Issue - meetings

Superfast Broadband Extension Programme - Decision on SSDC funding contributions (Confidential) - Updated Report

Meeting: 25/06/2015 - District Executive (Item 22)

Superfast Broadband Extension Programme - Decision on SSDC funding contributions (Confidential) - Updated Report

Additional documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2
  • Restricted enclosure 3




That District Executive:-



confirmed that the in-principle commitment of £640,000 to the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) Superfast (broadband) Extension Programme (SEP) remain;



agreed to defer the final decision to a future meeting of the District Executive following the completion of the on-going negotiations and the subsequent formal signing of contracts between British Telecom (BT) and Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) in order to re-consider the in-principle commitment having regard to such additional detailed confidential information on the programme that can be provided once the contract has been signed.


To enable Members to make a fully informed decision to commit to the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) Superfast (broadband) Extension Programme (SEP).

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Economic Development introduced Mr M Ballard of the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) Superfast Broadband Extension Programme.  She reminded Members of the 3 points on page 17 of the Agenda papers which needed to be satisfied before SSDC committed to the Superfast Broadband Programme.

Mr M Ballard, Project Manager for the Connecting Devon and Somerset Superfast Broadband Extension Programme provided Members with a brief update on the progress of Phase 1 of the Superfast Broadband Programme and further confidential information on the roll out of Phase 2.   

During discussion, Members expressed concern that detailed information which they had expected to be provided on a postcode by postcode basis of the areas to benefit from superfast broadband in Phase 2 was still not forthcoming and it appeared would not be available until the final contract between BT and CDS had been signed.  Members felt it was important to have this information to be able to prove value for money to the residents of South Somerset.

Having clarified with the Programme Manager that deferring the decision would not jeopardise the project, it was proposed that the funding previously committed to the programme remain, but, the decision to commit to the programme be deferred to a future meeting of the District Executive following the completion of the on-going negotiations and the subsequent formal signing of contracts between British Telecom (BT) and Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) in order to receive additional detailed confidential information on the programme that could be provided once the contract had been signed.  This proposal was seconded, and, on being put to the vote, was carried unanimously.


That District Executive:-



confirmed that the in-principle commitment to the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) Superfast (broadband) Extension Programme (SEP) remain;



agreed to defer the final decision to a future meeting of the District Executive following the completion of the on-going negotiations and the subsequent formal signing of contracts between British Telecom (BT) and Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) in order to re-consider the in-principle commitment having regard to such additional detailed confidential information on the programme that can be provided once the contract has been signed.


To enable Members to make a fully informed decision to commit to the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) Superfast (broadband) Extension Programme (SEP).

(Voting: unanimous in favour)