Issue - meetings

Appointment of Vice-Chairman

Meeting: 17/05/2018 - South Somerset District Council (Item 2)

Appointment of Vice-Chairman

To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. (Following the appointment the Vice-Chairman will read and sign the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office.)




that Councillor Mike Best be elected as Vice Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2018/2019.



Councillor Jo Roundell Greene, seconded by Councillor Andy Kendall, nominated Councillor Mike Best as Vice-Chairman of the Council.


Councillor Mike Lewis, seconded by Councillor Martin Wale, nominated Councillor Linda Vijeh as Vice-Chairman of the Council.


The two nominations were put to the vote and Councillor Mike Best was declared elected as Vice-Chairman of the Council (voting: Mike Best 28 votes, Linda Vijeh 21 votes).  It was therefore:-



that Councillor Mike Best be elected as Vice Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2018/2019.


Following his appointment Councillor Best read and signed the formal declaration of acceptance of office and thanked Members and officers for their support during his time as Chairman of Council.