Issue - meetings

Area West End of Year Report 2017/18 (Executive Decision)

Meeting: 18/04/2018 - Area West Committee (Item 133)

Area West End of Year Report 2017/18 (Executive Decision)


The Locality Team Manager introduced the report and gave a powerpoint presentation detailing progress of the work to date in relation to the current Area West Development Service Plan.  He highlighted the following areas of work:


  • A number of business events were organised and well attended;
  • Community and Neighbourhood Planning continued to be a theme across the whole district.  Progress has been made in Ilminster with an updated Community Plan published and the establishment of a Neighbourhood Plan Group.  A Housing Needs survey in Merriott had also been supported and was currently being analysed;
  • Grants were awarded to 18 community groups including Ilminster Warehouse, Henhayes Play Area, Broadway defibrillator and Merriott play area;
  • Support given to the restoration of 7-9 Fore Street, Chard;  
  • As a result of the audit undertaken by the Market Town Investment Group around digital presence in the market towns a new scheme called Digital High Street was due to be launched which was around helping high streets improve their offer of the digital environment and would be a mix of grants to businesses and training events.


The Locality Team Manager advised that this would be the last Development Plan update that members would receive.  In light of Transformation there would no longer be an Area Development Team and work would be delivered in a different way.  Transformation would see new ways of working being in place in January 2019.  Work was currently taking place on the succession arrangements for Area West and the new Area Plans to be agreed at the end of 2018.  Area+ Teams would take forward the work from April 2019. The agenda item in May on the Area Development Plan would be an opportunity for members to look at priorities for the next 12 months.


One member expressed his frustration over the money spent on the Chard Hub project.


Members thanked the Area Development Team for their hard work.


Members were content to approve the recommendations of the report.




That the work of the Area West Development Team be noted; and



That the funds previously ring-fenced for the Chard Hub be released for reallocation.


Reason: To approve the release of funds previously ring-fenced for the Chard Hub.


(Voting: 12 in favour, 1 abstention)