Issue - meetings

Local Government Boundary Commission - New Ward arrangements between Area North and East Committees

Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Area East Committee (Item 107)

107 Local Government Boundary Commission - New Ward arrangements between Area North and East Committees DOTX 25 KB

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The Democratic Services Specialist presented her report to members. She explained that following a review of the Councils electoral arrangements in 2017, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England confirmed that the 60 councillors to serve across the district should be retained. However, the ward boundaries were also considered. The findings were largely as expected, however a new three member ward had been proposed which crosses the north and east committee boundaries. 


She explained that it was proposed that the new ward be represented within the boundary of Area East for the purpose of Area Committees. She further clarified that the same report would be considered by Area North Committee and that once agreed, would require a change to the constitution which would require final agreement by Full Council in the New Year.


One member commented that he was disappointed that there had been little consultation, however agreed that the new ward should be included within Area East.


The Democratic Services specialist agreed to arrange a meeting with the Chairman of Area East Committee and the Chairs of the relevant parish councils within the new ward.


It was proposed and seconded that the newly created Northstone/Ivelchester/St Michaels Ward be represented by Area East.


On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED:  that members agreed that the newly created Northstone/Ivelchester/St Michaels Ward be represented wholly by Area East Committee working from May 2019. 


(voting: unanimous)