Issue - meetings

18/01602/FUL - Former BMI Site, Cumnock Road, Ansford

Meeting: 12/06/2019 - Area East Committee (Item 15)

15 18/01602/FUL - Former BMI Site, Cumnock Road, Ansford pdf icon PDF 975 KB


Application Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings, conversion of and alterations to listed buildings to form 11 No. dwellings, the erection of 70 No. dwellings (total 81 No. dwellings) and associated works, including access and off-site highway works, parking, landscaping, open space, footpath links and drainage infrastructure


The Specialist Planning Officer introduced the application with the assistance of a PowerPoint presentation of images to show the location of the site, the proposed plans and photographs of the site and the access.  He advised that the application was two starred and so would be referred to the District Council’s Regulation Committee if the Area Committee were unwilling to accept the recommendation to approve the application.


Since writing his report, a late representation had been received from the Somerset Waste Partnership regarding the bin storage area and following discussion with the applicants, a further bin storage area was now proposed through the imposition of an additional condition.  Also, 4 further letters had been received: 3 in objection and one in support of the scheme. 


He noted that the Castle Cary and Ansford Neighbourhood Plan had been passed by the Independent Examiner subject to modifications and could then progress to a referendum and become part of the development plan for the area if confirmed by the referendum.


In response to questions from Members, the Specialist Planing Officer confirmed that:-


·         1.6 parking spaces per dwelling and 6 visitor spaces were proposed at the site

·         The Council’s tree officer had specified the trees species which would be planted to replace those removed during development. 

·         Section 106 funding obtained from the development was allocated to a new facility in the immediate area.


The Chairman noted that new planning guidelines were required to ensure that properties were fully insulated and were south facing so that they could benefit from solar energy.  The Council’s Climate and Ecology Strategy which was currently being developed could be used to update the Local Plan.


The Chairman, as Ward Member, regretted that Somerset County Highways had said the internal estate roads were not suitable for adoption and would therefore remain private because of the lack of pavements within the site.  He also noted that the arrangements for the traffic lights at the entrance to sequence with other traffic lights in Cumnock Road had already been agreed.  A large water tank in the middle of the site was not mentioned in the report and the developer should be aware of it.


The other Ward Member, Councillor Kevin Messenger, said the site was hugely strategic and important to the town and the Town Council’s view should be taken into account.


The Committee were then addressed by a member of Castle Cary Town Council and two local residents.  Their comments included:-


·         Planning permission had already been granted for 650 houses in the town and there was a lack of a Master Plan for the town.

·         The roads within the development should be up to an adoptable standard and there was a lack  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15