Issue - meetings

2019/20 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report for the Period Ending 30th June 2019

Meeting: 01/08/2019 - District Executive (Item 31)

31 2019/20 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report for the Period Ending 30th June 2019 pdf icon PDF 132 KB

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That District Executive agreed to:-



note the current 2019/20 financial position of the Council;



note the reasons for variations to the previously approved Directorate Budgets as detailed in paragraph 8, Table 1;



note the virements made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix B; and



note the transfers made to and from reserves outlined in paragraph 27, Table 4 and the position of the Area Reserves as detailed in Appendix C and the Corporate Reserves as detailed in Appendix D.


To note the current projection of the forecast spending and income (“outturn”) against the Council’s approved Revenue Budget for the financial year, and to explain projected variations against budget.



The Chairman, as Portfolio Holder for Finance, Legal and Democratic Services, advised that there was a small net forecast overspend of £46,865 (0.3%) for 2019/20 which was within tolerance for the time of year.  He explained the car parking variance in table 1 and the additional income generated by treasury interest and income.


It was noted that a written response would be provided to the Scrutiny Committee comments relating to Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments.


The Portfolio Holder for Health & Well-Being said he had met with the Manager of the Westland Leisure Complex and Octagon Theatre and was pleased to report that ticket sales were increasing, in some part due to the acts booked by the Manager. 


It was proposed that the thanks of the Committee be conveyed to the Manager of the Westland Leisure Complex and Octagon Theatre for his work in promoting the venues and increasing their ticket sales.


In response to questions from Members, the Section 151 Officer clarified:-


·         A provision was always made in balances against the risk of non-collection of Council Tax however, officers worked hard to reduce it and some debts could take several years to clear by payment plans.

·         The service budgets were prepared by the finance team in collaboration with knowledge and expertise from the officers in the service.

·         Council Tax was collected by SSDC on behalf of all the precepting authorities, including the County Council, Fire and Police authorities and Town and Parish Councils so although the outstanding debt looked high, the proportion to SSDC was relatively low.  Such debts were not written off lightly and only as a last resort.


The Director for Service Delivery advised that there was some difficulty in recruiting Building Control officers and hiring agency staff was costly.  However, a Peer Review report was due that week which would help to decide whether SSDC decided to work with the Somerset Building Control Partnership in the future. 


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Legal and Democratic Services, advised that the outcome of the Fairer Funding Review of Local Government was still not known or how it would affect the Business Rates settlement or New Homes Bonus for the Council.


At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report.



That District Executive agreed to:-



note the current 2019/20 financial position of the Council;



note the reasons for variations to the previously approved Directorate Budgets as detailed in paragraph 8, Table 1;



note the virements made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix B; and



note the transfers made to and from reserves outlined in paragraph 27, Table 4 and the position of the Area Reserves as detailed in Appendix C and the Corporate Reserves as detailed in Appendix D.


To note the current projection of the forecast spending and income (“outturn”) against the Council’s approved Revenue Budget for the financial year, and to explain projected variations against budget.