Issue - meetings

Revenue Outturn Report for 2019/20

Meeting: 06/08/2020 - District Executive (Item 172)

172 Revenue Outturn Report for 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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That District Executive agreed to:-



note the net spending for the year of £16,357,133, an underspend of £834,349 (4.85%) compared to final budget, and explanations of variances from budget holders for the 2019/20 financial year as shown in paragraphs 7-10;




approve budget carry forwards of £340,670 into the 2020/21 budget (as shown in Appendix B);




approve individual service overspends are funded from general balances and the net underspend of £493,679 after carry forwards is returned to general balances;



approve the budget virements in paragraph 38, table 7;



note the virements in Appendix E;



note the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 31 and the transfers to and from balances outlined in the General Fund table paragraph 32, table 5;



note the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 35.



To inform Members and confirm the actual spend against budgets for the 2019/20 financial year.



The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Legal Services advised that the report summarised the income and expenditure during 2019/20.  He drew Members attention to Table 2 which listed service variances and noted that IT maintenance costs had been centralised which had resulted in some adverse variances in some budgets which would be corrected during 2020/21.  He proposed that the recommendations be approved.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development thanked the commercial development team for achieving £880k in additional rental income due to the progress of the Commercial Strategy.  He said this would be used to protect Council services.  Members joined him in thanking the team for achieving this additional income.


It was noted that the Scrutiny Committee had not raised any questions regarding the report.


At the conclusion of the debate, Members unanimously confirmed the recommendations of the report.



That District Executive agreed to:-



note the net spending for the year of £16,357,133, an underspend of £834,349 (4.85%) compared to final budget, and explanations of variances from budget holders for the 2019/20 financial year as shown in paragraphs 7-10;




approve budget carry forwards of £340,670 into the 2020/21 budget (as shown in Appendix B);




approve individual service overspends are funded from general balances and the net underspend of £493,679 after carry forwards is returned to general balances;



approve the budget virements in paragraph 38, table 7;



note the virements in Appendix E;



note the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 31 and the transfers to and from balances outlined in the General Fund table paragraph 32, table 5;



note the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 35.



To inform Members and confirm the actual spend against budgets for the 2019/20 financial year.