Agenda item

Grant to Compton Dundon Parish Council (Executive Decision)




That the Area North Committee agreed to grant a maximum of £3,941 (representing 40% of the total cost of the project) to Compton Dundon Parish Council towards the cost of a bus shelter in the village. The grant to be allocated from the Area North capital programme, subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants listed in Appendix A to the report.


To assist the Parish Council towards the provision of a bus shelter in Compton Dundon.

(voting: unanimous in favour)


The Neighbourhood Development Officer advised that an application for grant funding had been received from Compton Dundon Parish Council to provide a bus shelter in the village.  It was proposed to remove the nearby phone box and relocate two parish noticeboards within the bus shelter.  The request was for 40% of the total project cost but if the proposal was delivered below cost then the grant would not exceed this percentage.


In response to questions from Members, the Neighbourhood Development Officer advised that:-


·         The proposed shelter would have lighting and seating and all costs were based upon a worse case scenario.

·         The Highway license would be paid separately by the Parish Council.

·         The nearby phone box was currently owned by the defibrillator society and they were currently looking for an alternative site.

·         If the project was delivered over the anticipated budget as set out in the report then SSDC would only pay the maximum amount of £3,941.


At the conclusion of the debate, Members unanimously supported the Parish Council’s proposal to provide a bus shelter in the village.



That the Area North Committee agreed to grant a maximum of £3,941 (representing 40% of the total cost of the project) to Compton Dundon Parish Council towards the cost of a bus shelter in the village. The grant to be allocated from the Area North capital programme, subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants listed in Appendix A to the report.


To assist the Parish Council towards the provision of a bus shelter in Compton Dundon.

(voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: