Agenda item

Environmental Health Service Update Report


The Environmental Health Manager introduced the report and outlined the work of the 3 teams (Food and Safety, Environmental Protection and Housing Standards) within the service.


In response to questions from Members, the Environmental Health Manager advised that:-

·         Dog fouling was an ongoing problem and additional patrols could be arranged if there was a persistent problem in a particular area.  Owners could be fined. 

·         They were lobbying for the Food Hygiene Rating system to be extended.

·         Environmental Health Officers checked the labelling of wild game in shops to ensure it was correctly labelled and they also worked with Rural Crime Officers within the police service to reduce poaching. 

·         Several fines and cautions for fly tipping incidences had been issued and officers went to great lengths to trace offenders.  They were currently running a campaign to discourage the public from using illegal white van waste operators. 

·         SSDC had an allocation of £1m for disabled facilities grants to adapt homes to reduce hospital admission times and for social care needs.  Approximately 150 benefitted from the scheme each year, however, the scheme was under review at the current time.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Environmental Health Manager agreed to circulate information on the disabled facilities grants scheme to Town and Parish Councils.  Members were content to note the report.



That the Area North Committee noted the content of the Environmental Health Service Update report.


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