Agenda item

Planning Application 16/03728/FUL - Wayfarers, Long Load, Langport


Proposal: Replacement balcony and stairs (retrospective application).


The Planning Officer (North) introduced the report advising that although the application was retrospective, permission already existed to use the flat roof area as a balcony/terrace area.  It was proposed to extend the height of the new railings to protect the amenity of the neighbours on one side.


Mr P Dance spoke on behalf of neighbours, Mr & Mrs Lench, who were concerned at the overlooking of the property and the effect on the setting of their listed property.  They asked that the fence be set back by 1.5m from the edge of the flat roof so that it would be less visible to the streetscene and the neighbouring garden.


Ms C Stephens, Agent for the applicant, advised that the previous wooden trellis fence had rotted and they had checked with the planning department and were told that an application was not needed to replace it.  However, the change in materials required an application and it was now proposed to raise the fence and obscured glass to 1.8m halfway along the neighbouring boundary.  Because of wind concerns, it was not possible to extend this any further.


One of the Ward Members, Councillor Neil Bloomfield, said that although the materials may be high quality, they were more in keeping with an urban setting than a rural one and he felt the overlooking blighted the neighbouring listed building. 


The other Ward Member, Councillor Graham Middleton, also felt that the railings should be set back in line with the house wall and he said the glass and steel did not sit well with the neighbouring listed building.   


During discussion, varying views were expressed.  Some Members felt it was less obtrusive than the previous lattice fence whilst others said that greater care must be taken to protect heritage assets.  It was proposed and seconded to refuse the application and on being put to the vote was carried (voting: 7 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstentions).



That planning application 16/03728/FUL be REFUSED, contrary to the officer’s recommendation for the following reason:




01.       The railings and staircase, by reason of their design, materials and appearance, have a harmful adverse impact on the setting of a designated heritage asset (the Grade 2 listed building 'St Francis'), thereby failing to safeguard that setting and make a positive contribution to its character, contrary to the aims of the NPPF and Policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).


(Voting: 7 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstentions)


Supporting documents: