Agenda item

Planning Application: 17/02164/FUL - Land At Beetham, Higher Beetham, Whitestaunton


Application Proposal: The erection of an extension to existing building to house livestock


(The Planning Officer presented this application together with Planning Application No. 17/02165/FUL)


The Planning Officer introduced the report and with the aid of slides and photographs summarised the details of the applications which were for the erection of extensions to two existing buildings on the same site to house livestock.  He commented on the history of the site and reminded members that the original application for the first building had been refused by the Committee but granted on appeal.  A second application for an agricultural building had been permitted with conditions.  He referred to the impact on the private water supply and advised that there were separate regulatory systems that controlled private water supplies. Water tests had been undertaken and concluded no evidence of pollution.  With regard to the impact on the AONB and the potential cumulative impact, the applicant had been asked to undertake further work and commissioned a Landscape Visual Appraisal.  The Landscape Officer was satisfied that with an appropriate landscape scheme the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the local landscape character and the AONB.  The Planning Officer recommended that the application be approved subject to conditions.


In response to questions from Members, the Planning Officer confirmed that:-


·         Combe St Nicolas Parish Council had not been consulted on the application;

·         No conditions with regard to winter use only were being proposed;

·         The footprint of the proposal would be nearly double;

·         The AONB had not been consulted since the original application;

·         No independent advice had been sought with regard to agricultural need;

·         A condition was proposed to deal with dirty water storage.  It was understood that the amount would be minimal with a limited need to pump the tank out;

·         Private water supplies were assessed by the Council every two years.


The Committee was addressed by Mr A Warren and M Edwards in objection to the application.  Comments raised during public participation related to the following:


·         Concerns over visual impact of the buildings;

·         Harm to the AONB;

·         Risk of leakage into the local water table affecting domestic water supplies;

·         More animals would increase the risk of contamination;

·         Concerns over the scale of the increase of the building;

·         The appeal decision stated that one building would not be harmful but more intensive use could result in harm.


Mr S Machin, the Applicant’s Agent confirmed that the applicant accepted the proposed conditions.  He commented that the applications were as a result of lengthy and in depth discussions with Officers.  He noted that the Landscape Assessment had been accepted and that there were separate regulations that dealt with the control of waste and drainage provision.


The Ward Member, Councillor Martin Wale was unable to support the application.  He raised a number of concerns in relation to the contamination of the private water supplies due to the increase in cattle, doubling the size of the buildings, the effect on the AONB and unacceptable harm to residential amenity.  He felt that Combe St Nicolas Parish Council should have been consulted as the adjoining parish and the AONB consulted on the revised conditions.  He also queried whether an independent assessment on the need was required.  Cllr. Martin Wale expressed concern about the buildings being used to house young cattle during the winter months which would increase of the chance of pollution and have a large impact on nearby buildings.


The Senior Legal Executive referred to the original appeal decision and advised members to be mindful of bringing up the same issues as a view could be taken with regard to unnecessary costs being imposed.


During the discussion, members raised concerns with regard to contamination of the private water supply, doubling the size of the buildings, the effect of odour from 300 cattle on local residents and the harm to the AONB.


A member proposed to defer the application to seek comments from the Blackdown Hills AONB Partnership, further information on the agricultural need and to attain whether more frequent water assessments could be carried out.  The proposal was not seconded.


Members discussed reasons for refusal and took advice from the Planning Lead East/West.  At the conclusion of the debate it was proposed and seconded to refuse the application on the following grounds:


Not enough evidence had been submitted within the application to adequately demonstrate that the scheme would not cause adverse impact with regards to drainage, odour, need and the result of harm to neighbouring amenities.


The final wording would be agreed by the Planning Officer in consultation with the Chairman and Ward Member.  On being put to the vote, the proposal was unanimously supported.



That Planning Application No. 17/02164/FUL be REFUSED for the following reason:


01. Insufficient evidence has been submitted to adequately demonstrate that the cumulative impact of the proposed developments would not result in an adverse impact on local private water supplies and would not generate an unacceptable level of odour. Additionally, it is considered that the character and appearance of the Blackdown Hills AONB would be harmed by the cumulative level of development proposed. As such it is considered that the proposal would be harmful to the amenities of nearby residential occupiers and local landscape character contrary to Local Plan Policies EQ2 and EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).


(Voting: unanimous in favour)


Supporting documents: