Agenda item

Planning Application 17/02693/FUL - Land At Bullring Farm Knowle Lane Misterton


Application Proposal: Alterations to widen access with associated landscaping


The Area Lead Planner explained that the application related to works that started in 2014 to widen and excavate the existing access on to Knowle Lane, Misterton.  The application proposed the permanent retention of the works with improvements to the visibility, surfacing and landscaping.  With the aid of photographs, the Area Lead Planner illustrated how the access had been cut into the site and the bank cleared out to create a more level access. In terms of updates, she noted that members had received further information including a number of photographs from the objectors to the site.  She explained that a position had now been reached where the application was an acceptable compromise that addressed both highway and landscaping issues.  The application was supported by a highway assessment and the visibility splays were acceptable. The applicant had worked with the Landscape Officer to achieve an acceptable landscape scheme.  The Area Lead Planner recommended approval of the application.


In response to questions from members, the Area Lead Planner confirmed the following:


·         The approval in 2015 was to allow the scrap metal to be cleared.  There were issues with land ownership and sale of land so unfortunately that was not achieved.  There had always been an access to the site in this location although only lightly used.  It was preferable for the applicants to have an improved access instead of having to travel 300 metres up the lane and then 300 metres back down into the site;

·         The works that required planning permission were the engineering works that had taken place to make the access larger.  In terms of the need it should be taken into account that it was an existing access and the application was not for a new access;

·         If the applicant did not comply with the imposed conditions, a breach of condition would need to be looked at and there would be no flexibility with regard to going forward with enforcement;

·         The improved access would enable an access with appropriate visibility and appropriate servicing to serve the barns. The previous access would not have been suitable for any large farm traffic and needed improvement to serve the farm buildings.


The Committee was addressed by M Bellamy in support of the application.  He commented that the access was an existing vehicular access.  Reference was made to vehicles speeds being no greater than 30mph and the proposed visibility splays being in accordance with a 30mph zone. He noted that the surface of the access would be significantly improved and the drainage proposals across the entrance would mitigate any increase in surface water run off.  The application improved an existing access, was of benefit to highway safety and there were no objections from the Highway Authority.


The Applicant’s Agent, C Alers-Hankey commented that the Council’s Landscape Officer raised no objections to the proposals on the basis that landscape impact would be limited.  The upgraded entrance and driveway provided an appropriate and more direct means of access to the site rather than vehicles having to travel a significant distance further along Knowle Lane.


The Ward Member, Cllr. Angie Singleton referred in detail to the history of the site and the previous applications.  She commented that the original access was low key with very little visual impact compared to the unauthorised works that had taken place and the entrance was only ever intended for pedestrian use only.  The farmland had been served by the existing access for many decades and no case for any need for a second vehicular access had been submitted. She noted that the previously agreed schemes had not been implemented and the scrap remained on the site.  She objected to the application on the grounds that the removal of the hedgerow, bank and trees to create a second vehicular access for which there was no commercial or agricultural need would have a negative landscape impact and was detrimental to the local character and distinctiveness of Knowle Lane and was against Policy EQ2.  She also supported the concerns of local residents over the speed of traffic along Knowle Lane and the potential for flooding in the area.


During discussion, members made the following comments in objection to the application:


·         The lane was not appropriate for big farm buildings;

·         Inappropriate vehicular access for which no long term demonstrable need had been demonstrated;

·         Supported restoration of the site in accordance with the permission granted in 2015 and felt that enforcement action should be taken;

·         Support for the restoration of the two schemes agreed in 2016;

·         Support for a planting scheme;

·         Support for restoration of the site by 31st July 2018.


It was proposed and seconded to refuse the application for the following reasons:


·         Negative landscape impact that adversely impacts upon the distinctiveness of  Knowle Lane;

·         Contrary to Policy EQ2


It was agreed that the final wording for refusal would be agreed in consultation with the Area Lead Planner, Chairman and the Ward Members.


The Area Lead Planner advised that the reinstatement of works would form part of the enforcement action and would therefore be attached as an informative to the planning decision.


On being put to the vote the proposal to refusal the application was unanimously agreed.



That Planning Application No. 17/02693/FUL be REFUSED subject to the final wording being agreed in consultation with the Area Lead Planner, Chairman and Ward Members for the following reason:


The works to the access including removal of the bank, hedgerow, trees and vegetation result in a negative landscape impact that adversely impacts upon the distinctiveness of this rural lane. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.



The applicant is advised that the Area West Committee expect to see the restoration of the site in full accordance with approval 15/03379/FUL. Enforcement action will be pursued to achieve this aim. 

(Voting: unanimous in favour)



Supporting documents: