Agenda item

Performance of the Streetscene Service


The Environmental Services Manager (formerly known as Streetscene Manager) introduced the report, and highlighted key elements and achievements since the last update report. He noted fly-tipping figures were fairly static and showed a general decline since 2014. Most fly tips had been of car boot or pick-up sized quantities along, or on, public highways.


During a brief discussion, the Manager responded to points of detail, and he noted that:

·      Gullies were still the responsibility of Highways, and he was assured by them that had records of the location of all gullies in the district. He noted he would attempt to get detailed records for individual parishes and circulate to ward members – these could then possibly be shared with parishes and promoted locally.

·      Fly tipping figures included within the report included fly tips reported by the public and also those found by officers. Exact locations and nature of individual fly-tips could be provided to ward members and parish councils on request.

·      Teams were responsible for litter picking in a set geographical area on a routine basis, but they also responded to specific requests.


At the end of discussion, members congratulated the team on the achievements and thanked the manager for his informative report.



That the report on the performance of the Streetscene Service be noted.


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