Agenda item

17/04588/REM - Vedelers Hey, Balsam Park, Wincanton


Application Proposal: Application for reserved matters following approval of 15/00288/OUT to include details of accesses, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


The Planning Officer presented his report to members. He advised that he had received an additional letter of concern which made reference to the tree on site. He also advised that he had received some supporting information which provided details of the surface water drainage. He advised that the previous plans had not been accepted by Wessex Water as they do not have a statutory responsibility to accept highway water. It was now proposed to use an infiltration system and he suggested an additional condition was required to ensure that drainage details would need to be approved in conjunction with the Local Lead Flood Agency.


Using the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, he provided images to show the site and the existing tree as well as plans to show the proposed layout and dwellings. 


He clarified that this was a reserved matters application following an outline approval. He also advised that due to the infiltration system proposed, the highway would not be adopted by Somerset County County Highways.


He advised that he recommended an amendment to planning condition 7 to ensure that the lighting is continually maintained and he recommended an additional condition 12 to ensure that the drainage details are agreed in liaison with the Lead Local Flood Agency.


Miss Old spoke in objection to the application. She advised members the site was on the edge of a conservation area and felt that the site was not correct for this application. She also suggested that the tree was not diseased.


Mrs C Brace, Development Manager and applicant, addressed the Committee. She explained that the outline application was approved in March last year and that the homes were good quality affordable homes. She explained that the 15 homes proposed would be ‘rent to buy’ properties, and that as the freehold would remain with Stonewater, the highway did not need to be adopted. She also advised members that the development was sensitive to the adjoining conservation area and that no statutory consultees had raised an objection, including highways.


Councillor Winder, Ward Member, questioned whether condition 11 of the planning application was necessary and felt that it should be removed. However, the Planning Officer felt that it was necessary to ensure that the area remained clear of obstruction. Councillor Winder also expressed his concern that the tree would be removed.


Following the discussion of condition 11, it was suggested that the application be deferred to allow time to assess the legality of proposed condition 11.


The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that deferring the application would give problems to the applicant.


Councillor Nick Colbert, also Ward Member, advised that he would offer his support to the scheme if it was stipulated that the application was for shared ownership homes. He expressed concern that the highway would not be adopted.


Ms Charlotte Brace, representing the applicant, advised that the homes were ‘rent to buy’ rather than shared ownership which was slightly different and advised that they could not be changed to shared ownership. She further explained that the road will be constructed to an adoptable standard, but would not be adopted. She confirmed that there would be ongoing maintenance and a management company employed.


Following this, it was proposed that the planning application be approved as per the officer recommendation subject to an additional condition to ensure that the roads would be adopted and that the homes would be ‘rent to buy’ properties. This was subsequently seconded however no vote was taken.


The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that a condition could be added to ensure that the management arrangements were agreed with the Local Planning Authority; however he explained that the road could not be adopted.


Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the planning application be deferred to enable negotiations with the applicant and the County Highway Authority as to the adoptability of the road and to assess the legality of proposed condition 11.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 7 votes in support and 3 against.


RESOLVED:  that planning application 17/04588/REM be deferred to enable negotiations with the applicant and the County Highway Authority as to the adoptability of the road and to assess the legality of proposed condition 11.


(Voting: 7 in support and 3 against)

Supporting documents: