Agenda item

Area North Development - Review of 2017-18


The Area Development Lead (North/South) introduced the report and provided a short presentation detailing work undertaken by the Area North Development Team over the past year. She reminded members of the Area North Priorities and highlighted key projects including:

·         Publication of a booklet promoting local businesses and attractions to visitors and residents

·         Training workshops and networking events

·         Supporting the River Action Group in Langport

·         Community Grants and Capital Grants

·         New Village Hall in Tintinhull


She explained that usually a report would come forward to the June meeting to agree the Area North priorities for the coming year. However this year, due to the authority going through Transformation, June would not be the appropriate time as new staff roles, resources and direction would be unclear until at least late summer. The situation had been discussed with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and it had been agreed to continue with the existing priorities for the time being.


Members and the Area Development Lead thanked the team for their work and achievements over the past year.



That the report and presentation on the work undertaken by the Area North Development Team during 2017-18 be noted.


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