Agenda item

Planning Application 18/00488/FUL - Home Farm, Main Street, Chilthorne Domer.


Proposal: Change of use from barn to business offices and existing farm building to storage.


The Planning Officer presented the application, as detailed in the agenda. He explained the use of various buildings on the farm and about the change of use classes required. He noted concerns had been raised about the access especially when events were being held at the site, but acknowledged there was little scope to improve the access due to existing buildings. He highlighted the key considerations and explained why his recommendation was for refusal of the application.


The applicant addressed members and explained the history of the charity and the associated use of some of the buildings at the farm. He noted the access from Main Street was also in agricultural use. The number of events taking place at the site had increased and now 4 or 5 events a year required use of overflow parking in the neighbouring fields. When such events took place they engaged experienced stewards to oversee parking using the existing access, and it was a tried and tested system with no issues to date. He asked members to approve the application to allow them to continue with the charity, which benefitted thousands of children in many countries.


Ward member, Council Jo Roundell Greene, noted use of the buildings was accepted but comments raised about the access and Highways were the issue. She hoped the applicant had explained, and reassured members, that the site access was adequate and stewarding was in place for large events. She fully supported the application and proposed approval on the grounds of the access being adequate.


During a short discussion members generally expressed their support for the application. Comments included:


·         Not against application but feel with the number of events there may be an impact on highway safety and also residential amenity.

·         Events have happened for several years without any issues.

·         Feel there should be a restriction on the number of large events to protect highway safety.

·         No issues with what is proposed.


On hearing the comments made and as members appeared minded to approve the application, the Area Lead suggested it may be helpful to have a condition to clarify the maximum number of events that could be held.


At this point in the proceedings, the meeting was adjourned for a few minutes in order for the planning officers to liaise with the applicant to confirm how many large events were held annually and the attendances. Upon reconvening, the Area Lead informed members and public of the issues discussed during the adjournment. He noted that three to five large events were held at the barn each year for approximately 70 to 100 people, and it could be conditioned that the number of such events be recorded and made available to the Local Planning Authority.


As members were minded to approve the application, and based on comments raised during discussion, the Planning Officer suggested wording for the justification, and also advised that conditions would be required for:


·           A traffic management plan.

·           Approved plans

·           Only to be used for agriculture or by School in a Bag Charity and associated fundraising or education events.

·           D1 use restricted to no more than 15 events attracting more than 70 attendees each year.


On being put to the vote, the proposal to approve the application, contrary to the officer recommendation, was carried 9 in favour with 1 abstention.



That planning application 18/00488/FUL be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation, subject to the following:




01.   The proposed development, by reason of its location, nature, scale and design, is not considered to cause any demonstrable harm to visual amenity, residential amenity or highway safety and will have no adverse impact on the character of the listed building. It is therefore in accordance with the aims and objectives of policies EQ2, EQ3, TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Subject to the following conditions:


01.   Within three months of the date of this permission, a traffic management plan should be submitted to and agreed by the Local Planning Authority for all functions and events held at Home Farm Barn. Such details shall be implemented for all functions and events as agreed.


Reason: In the interest of highway safety in accordance with policy EQ2 and TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028.


02.   The following approved plans are acknowledged and form the basis of this retrospective application:

Drawing Number HFB-LP - Location Plan (scale 1:2500) - date stamped as received 14.02.2018

Drawing Number HFB-BP Block Plan (scale 1:200) - date stamped as received 14.02.18

Drawing Number HFB1 - Plans / Section / Elevations - Existing and altered – date stamped as received 14.02.18

Drawing Number HFB - Pkng (scale 1:400) - date stamped as received 11.04.18

Drawing Number HFB - V&P (scale 1:200) - date stamped as received 16.03.2018


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


03.    Notwithstanding the time limits given to implement planning permission as prescribed by Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), this permission (being granted under section 73A of the Act in respect of development already carried out) shall have effect from the 14 February 2018.


Reason: To comply with Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


04.   The subject land including any building(s) thereon shall be used for agricultural purposes and for the purposes of running the School in a Bag charity and any associated fundraising and/or educational events and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class B1, B8 and D1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification).


Reason: To safeguard the amenities and character of the area, in the interests of highway safety and including assuring adequate parking remains available for any alternative use to accord with policies SD1, TA5, TA6 and EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-28 and the National Planning Policy Framework objectives for sustainable development.


05.   The D1 use hereby approved is restricted to no more than 15 large events attracting more than 70 attendees in each calendar year. These should be formally recorded and the record made available to the Local Planning Authority by request at any time. There is no limit to  the number of smaller events of less than 70 attendees.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and residential amenity in accordance with EQ2 and TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-28 and the National Planning Policy Framework objectives for sustainable development.


(Voting: 9 in favour, 1 abstention)


Supporting documents: