Agenda item

Planning Application 17/04400/REM - Brimsmore Key Site, Land to the North of Thorne Lane Yeovil


Proposal: The erection of 642 dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure works, access for local centre and primary school, amendment to link road design between Eastgate Square and Tintinhull Road, provision of sports and play areas, public open space and structural landscaping (Reserved Matters of 05/00753/OUT) EIA development


The Lead Specialist – Planning gave a comprehensive presentation showing the site, and proposed plans as detailed in the agenda.  He explained the background of the application and history of the site and noted the proposed village square did not form part of the current reserved matters application. 


He said the principal had long been established on the site and that this permission gives certainty to the development.  He was satisfied the highways and residential amenity issues had been resolved and believed this to be a development of quality design. 


The Lead Specialist - Planning therefore concluded that after considering all of the issues as outlined in the agenda report, his proposal was to approve the application with the conditions as set out in the agenda report.


In response to questions he informed members that:


·         Additional land had been made available due to the revised masterplan and the proposal of an internal link road rather than being located around the perimeter of the site. 

·         The proposal shows a triangle of land that may be subject to a future reserved matters planning application for bungalow development.

·         Understood there is a general clause within the Section 106 Legal agreement that any street trees planted within the highway have a commuted sum attached to them for the District Council to adopt and maintain.

·         Could not guarantee that the developer would not seek to apply for a variation to the existing legal agreement, however this means of reduction could be lessened given the additional homes on the site and that any application would need to be brought back to committee for approval.


The applicant then addressed the committee.  He explained the background of the scheme which started back in 1993 and that the vision was to create a scheme that would encourage walking rather than using a car.  He believed the scheme and proposed location of the village centre was well positioned to achieve this with good links to all roads and footpaths to the south.  He said it was a green leafy site, had retained every mature tree with the aim to be a natural green extension to the town.  It provided a wide range of housing, a new proposed new primary school and an area of woodland.  The scheme had won a number of awards and constructed to a very high standard with quality design and architecture. 


Councillor Mike Lock, Ward member voiced his support of the application and praised the excellent quality and design of the scheme.  He recognised the admirable work of the developer and believed this was an excellent development for the town.


During a short discussion members also voiced support of the application and appreciation of the workmanship of the developer.  It was then proposed and subsequently seconded that planning permission be approved as per the officers recommendation as set out in the agenda report.  On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously. 





That application 17/04400/REM be APPROVED for the following reasons:


This application is a reserved matters application following the grant of Outline permission ref no 05/00753/OUT and the revised details accord with the principles set out in the outline application and in the Local Plan allocation for this site and with the relevant planning policies, including the NPPF.




01.          Built According to Approved Plans: The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans as set out on the originally submitted application schedule dated 7-11-17, updated by amendments and a revised schedule dated 3-5-18.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


02.          Housing Design Details: Prior to the commencement of any dwelling in any phase or part thereof, full details of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for each plot in the phase, or part thereof, to be constructed: -

-      specific external wall materials, finishes and colours including sample panels for approval on site to show masonry coursing, jointing, bond and pointing and render finishes.

-      details of any proposed parapets, string courses, plinths and mouldings

-      specific window and door design details including sections and wall opening details including arch. lintel, cill, window/door surround and reveal depth.

-      details of any porches and door hoods position and details of meter boxes and any external flue, vent and extract terminals

-      roof materials, including samples

-      roof ridge, hip, eaves, verge and rainwater goods details

-      any chimney, dormer and roof light details.

       external works details of any steps, walls and copings, railings and fencing.

-      details of any permanent external lighting proposed on building including any street lighting to be mounted on buildings (not including individual security lighting).


Reason: To ensure that attention to detail is given to provide quality of design in the proposed development in accordance with the Design masterplan and planning statement in accordance with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


03.         The Woodland Area: (as defined in the Section 106 Community Agreement dated 7 August 2007), shall be completed in accordance with the details pursuant to application 11/00361/REM (14/03596/S73) and 14/05665/DOC agreed by the letter from the Local Planning Authority dated 24/07/2015, plus all details contained in this application.

           The implementation of this shall be in accordance with the procedures and timescales as set out in the Section 106 Agreement.


Reason: To ensure appropriate planting is carried out to the woodland edge of the development in accordance with Policies EQ2, EQ4, EQ5 and EQ6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


04.          Hard and Soft Landscaping and Boundary Treatments: Prior to the occupation of any dwelling on any phase or part thereof full details of hard and soft landscape and boundary proposals for that phase (or part thereof) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Such details shall include:

- maintenance prescriptions for existing landscape features to be retained e.g.; trees and hedgerows,

- attenuation and swale elements within public open space,

- full details of all tree and hedgerow planting including street trees/shrubs.


Reason: To ensure a meaningful contribution to the urban design and open space elements in accordance with Policy EQ2 and EQ5 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


05.       Trees, hedges and hedgerows: All existing trees, hedges or hedgerows shall be retained, unless shown on the approved drawings as being removed. All trees, hedges and hedgerows on and immediately adjoining any phase or part thereof of that part of the site being developed shall be protected from damage for the duration of works on that area to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with the recommendations in British Standard 5837 1991. Any part(s) of trees, hedges or hedgerows removed without the Local Planning Authority's consent or which die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously diseased or otherwise damaged within ten years following contractual practicable completion of the approved development shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably practicable and, in any event, by not later than the end of the first available planting season, with plants of such size and species and in such positions as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and to ensure proper planning of the development in accordance with Policy EQ2 and EQ5 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


06.       Balancing Pond Design and Management: Prior to the occupation of any dwelling hereby permitted, detailed proposals for any proposed balancing pond and any other attenuation features serving the area of development in which such dwelling is situated shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include cross sections, ground levels, details of invert and outlet structures, and proposed marginal planting. Such ponds/attenuation features shall be completed in accordance with a timescale to be agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the area and to ensure proper planning of the development in accordance with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.


07.       Flood Risk Assessment: The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment as amended and surface water drainage strategy, particularly limiting the surface water run-off discharge to be no greater than agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the LLFA, Wessex Water and the Environment Agency.


Reason: To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of/disposal of surface water from the site in accordance with the NPPF.


08.       Surface Water Drainage: Prior to the commencement of any phase or part thereof on the site, a surface water drainage scheme, for that phase or part thereof, including a full operation and maintenance strategy shall be submitted to and formally approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The strategy shall identify all future land use limitations; identify the ownership, operational and maintenance arrangements for the works over the lifetime of the scheme.


Reason: To ensure that the works provide the necessary mitigation against flooding for the lifetime of the existing and proposed development in accordance with the NPPF.


09.       Acoustic Assessment and Insulation: Prior to the commencement of any dwelling an assessment of those properties which are likely to be subjected to noise shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For those properties identified, a scheme of acoustic insulation should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval before the commencement of construction of these plots. Any mitigation works identified shall be carried out prior to occupation of the dwellings affected.

            Dwellings shall be built in accordance with the details pursuant to applications 11/00361/REM (14/03596/S73), 14/05665/DOC and 15/03328/DOC agreed by the letters from the Local Planning Authority dated 24/07/2015 and 03/12/2015 plus the details contained within this application.


Reason: To ensure proper planning of properties potentially affected by noise in the interests of amenities of occupiers and in accordance with saved Policy EQ7 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


10.       Delivery of the Master Plan: Prior to the commencement of any dwelling on any phase or part thereof, details of the internal ground floor levels of the buildings to be erected on that specific phase or part thereof, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

            To be built in accordance with the details pursuant to applications 11/00361/REM (14/03596/S73), 14/05665/DOC and 15/03328/DOC agreed by the letters from the Local Planning Authority dated 24/07/2015 and 03/12/2015 plus the details contained within this application.


Reason: To ensure that attention to detail is given to provide quality of design in the proposed development in accordance with the Design masterplan and planning statement in accordance with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


11.       Domestic Waste Storage and Routes: Prior to the commencement of any dwelling on any phase or part thereof, a strategy for the storage and collection of domestic recycling and refuse for that phase or part thereof shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall include the locations of collection points (communal if necessary).


Reason: To promote sustainable construction as advocated by the National Planning Policy Framework.


12.       Long Term Landscape Management Plan: Prior to the occupation of any phase or part thereof, a landscape management plan, including long term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for all landscape areas within that phase or part thereof, other than small, privately owned, domestic gardens, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority for its permitted use. The agreed landscape management plans shall be carried out as approved.


            Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Polices EQ2, EQ4, EQ5 and EQ6 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006.


13.       Secure by Design: Prior to the commencement of any dwelling referred to in the comments of the Crime Prevention Design Advisor on the application (dated 5-12-17) a strategy should be submitted and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority to address the specific crime prevention comments raised.


Reason: to ensure the scheme as built will be as seen as a safe environment EQ2 South Somerset Local Plan 2006


14.       Sports and play areas design and management: In advance of any of trigger points set out in the Community S106 Agreement dated 9 August 2007 in respect of the delivery of Sports Facilities, Playing Pitches, Play Areas or the Sports Pavilion a strategy should be submitted and then agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority to address the comments by Sport England (dated 10-1-18) on these elements of the application


Reason: to ensure the scheme as built will be as seen as a safe and healthy and active environment EQ2 South Somerset Local Plan 2006





01.       You are reminded that four legal Agreements under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act accompany this application and remain applicable in addition to the two Supplemental S106 Agreements agreed relating to community and highways.


02.       You are reminded that there are informatives on the Outline Planning Permission 05/00753/OUT which remain of relevance for this and future phases of development.


03.       There must be no interruption to the surface water drainage system of the surrounding land as a result of the operations on the site. Provisions must be made to ensure that all existing drainage systems continue to operate effectively and that riparian owners upstream and downstream of the site are not adversely affected.


04.       You are reminded of the Duty of Care for dealing with waste which is set out in detail in the response from the Environment Agency from whom additional guidance can be gained.


05.         You are reminded that a Right of Way crosses this site which will require a formal Diversion Order. Advice can be gained from the Rights of Way Officer.


06.         You are reminded to ensure that any works carried out do not adversely affect third party properties particularly when working in close proximity to existing houses or boundaries to residential properties.


07.         With regards to Condition 12 the Local Planning Authority is seeking a plan that shows the intended land to be conveyed to private households, to the Highway Authority, to the Local Authority and/or Management Co. if applicable. 


08.         All Highway, footway and cycleway works will require a legal agreement with SCC Highway Authority well in advance of works and before they start. Requirement to secure an agreement under Sect 278 Highways Act 1980 for the necessary works.


(voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: