Agenda item

Yeovil Western Corridor Update


Andy Coupe, Somerset County Council’s Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes with the aid of slides presented members with an update of the Programme of Works.


He updated members on the works in progress and gave an overview of the future programme including:


·         The Stourton Way southern toucan crossing had been commissioned and northern toucan crossing would be commissioned soon. The works to the cycleway would be completed during the next couple of months.

·         Good progress been made with the works at Copse Road where the scheme had commenced in advance of the original contract programme.

·         The mini-roundabout trial on Preston Road had proved successful helping to avoid the need for temporary traffic lights and affording access to other areas of the site. The retaining wall on Lufton Way had been completed early and the current works involved construction of the retaining wall on the north west corner of the junction. The improvements on Western Avenue would take place in sections to fit in with construction of the retaining walls on the south east and north east corners.

·         The works at Bluebell Roundabout were largely complete. He noted that both positive and negative comments had been received about the new junction configuration. He explained the traffic signals were not be expected to improve traffic conditions immediately as traffic flow is restricted due to lane closures and traffic management.  He said the full benefits would only be achieved once all works had been complete but the decision was made to switch on the traffic signals to aid the movement of pedestrians across the junction.  He pointed out that as with any new junction or road layout, the changes would take time to get used to, but confirmed that the site would continue to be monitored and adjustments to the signals would be made to ensure that it ran as efficiently as possible.

·         Good progress was being made at Westlands Roundabout. He noted that traffic management proposals were being developed for the next phases of works that would involve using night time road closures to reduce impacts as far as possible.

·         Significant early progress had been made at Lysander Road roundabout. Following feedback from members, the opportunity had been taken to undertake some night works during the summer holidays which had helped to accelerate the programme and reduce impacts. 


He noted that it was a complex construction project and that it had been necessary to be flexible with the programme. Some elements of work had taken longer than planned while others had started early and ahead of schedule. Overall, 6 of the 7 elements were currently programmed to be completed within the overall timescale originally envisaged. Beyond that, work would be limited to one junction at the end of the programme with the intention to complete the work by early Summer.


He stated that it would be possible to deliver the scheme by the original stated dates, but to do so would cause unacceptable impacts. Indeed, a careful balance needed to be struck between making progress on site and minimising disruption to road users, residents and businesses.


During discussion the Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes noted the comments from members and responded to questions including:


·         Concerns raised about the operation of the Bluebell Roundabout. He advised that the junction would be the subject of a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit when any safety issues would be identified and remedial works initiated. Conversely, it was noted that several pedestrians had been observed crossing Bluebell Roundabout and thanks were expressed by members for this improved facility.  

·         Noted that the entrance to the Crematorium had been reconfigured to discourage the turning of vehicles from the north, but some motorists had been observed continuing to make this manoeuvre. 

·         Noted the permanent signage for Bluebell Roundabout had been ordered and would be erected shortly.   Thanks were expressed by members for improved communications on the scheme, and although some negative comments had been received about the works to date, drivers should reserve judgement until all the work was complete.


At the conclusion of the discussion it was confirmed the next quarterly update presentation be made at the December committee. 


The Chairman thanked the SCC Strategic Manager Infrastructure Programmes for his presentation.


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