Agenda item

Planning Application: 18/01122/FUL - Great Western Hotel, 47 Camborne Grove, Yeovil BA21 5DG


Change of use of former public house to 8no flats with associated internal, external works and parking, Great Western Hotel, 47 Camborne Grove, Yeovil BA21 5DG


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda and with the aid of a powerpoint presentation showed the site and proposed plans.  He noted the application was now part retrospective as internal works have already been undertaken together with replacement windows.


He referred to the key considerations being the Asset of Community Value, principle of development, unauthorised works, pedestrian/highway safety and parking provision and sustainability. 


He explained the pub had been subject of a Community Right to Bid and following due process the Council decided not to enter the property onto the list of Assets of the Community (AVC).  He explained a new application has since been received however this planning application must be determined on the basis of the information provided to members at this time.   He also confirmed that following investigation regarding the commencement of unauthorised internal works on site, the applicant was requested to stop works, they complied with this request and therefore no further works have taken place on site since that time.


The Planning Officer acknowledged the main issue was the lack of parking provision not in accordance with standards, however believed the sustainable transport network in the area would help mitigate any adverse impact on the area and encourage sustainable development.  He therefore concluded that after considering all of the responses and issues, as outlined in the agenda report, his proposal was to approve the application and the conditions as set out in the agenda report.


Two members of the public then addressed the committee and spoke in objection to the application.  They raised several concerns including:


·         The scheme showed no consideration for local residents with the parking provision to be unacceptable. 

·         The proposed 8 flats would create a significant increase in vehicles wishing to park within the area.

·         Roads within the area were already to full capacity and the addition of many more cars would be harmful to pedestrian safety with emergency vehicles unable to get through.

·         Questioned the reliability for residents to depend solely on public transport with the area already badly served by the local bus service.

·         Confirmed the nearby train station cannot be used by local residents to park their vehicles.


The agent then addressed the committee and explained the former owner had tried their upmost to keep the public house a viable business, however the current owner had bought the property in good faith. He understood the pub had not been well used in recent years and that other pubs and restaurants were available within close proximity of the site and being within walking distance of the town centre. He also appreciated concerns regarding the parking in the area but confirmed that 3 additional spaces would be created on the site along with a new secure cycle store.   Given the site was situated in a highly sustainable location he believed it was an opportunity to provide housing of smaller units for low cost.


Councillor Tony Lock, Ward member acknowledged the former public house was no longer a viable business with lack of trade over recent years and therefore supported the change of use.  Nonetheless he raised concern regarding the lack of parking provision given the number of flats proposed within the development.  He said Camborne Grove and the adjacent roads were already at full capacity and this proposal would result in more pressure for on street parking and be harmful to pedestrian safety and emergency vehicles unable to get through.  He could not support the application at this time due to the lack of sufficient parking given the number of dwellings proposed.


During discussion members made several comments including the following:


·         Concern regarding the proposed provision of car parking and potential impact for on street parking in the area.

·         Confirmed the Pen Mill train station no longer allowed residents to park within the station car park.

·         Additional on street parking will have an impact on the local bus service manoeuvrability in the area.

·         Believed the pub was no longer a viable business opportunity.

·         Appreciated the concerns of local residents who have to rely on road parking with numerous vehicles already parked on the street corners, therefore this proposal would have a severe impact on public safety.

·         Considered the proposed parking provision was not sufficient compared to the number of flats proposed.

·         Felt the proposal was within a sustainable location but concerned that it was overdevelopment of the site.

·         Believed the proposal did not meet the County’s parking strategy.


Following a short debate it was initially proposed and seconded to refuse the application for the reasons that the proposal fails to meet the optimum parking standards or deviates greatly from the ratio of parking provision required and the impact on pedestrian safety. 


The Senior Planning Advisor then advised members that if they were minded to defer the application it would allow officers the opportunity to negotiate with the applicant to allow further full consideration of the outstanding parking issues.


Following a further short discussion the proposal to refuse the application was withdrawn and a subsequent proposal was made to defer the application in order to allow for more information to be detailed regarding number of units and parking provision.  On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.





That planning application 18/01122/FUL be deferred to the October Area South Committee to enable discussions with applicant regarding number of units and parking provision.


(Voting: unanimous)

Supporting documents: