Agenda item

Planning Application 19/00587/HOU - 11 Beaufort Gardens, South Petherton.


Proposal: Erection of two storey side and rear extension


The Development Management Case Officer introduced her report for a two storey rear and side extension to the property.  She advised that a similar application was approved in 2007 but that had single storey side extension with a rear two storey extension.  Since writing her report, a further letter of objection had been received from the owners of 5 Compton Road regarding loss of light, over dominant to their property and the proposed materials were out of keeping.  Although the Parish Council had raised no objections, the proposed two-storey extension would be 2.6m from the boundary and due to the orientation, difference in levels and proximity to the boundary she considered that this could be an overbearing and an unneighbourly form of development creating a poor relationship with 5 Compton Road.  She recommended the application be refused.


The Committee were addressed by the prospective owner of 5 Compton Road.  He said their property was 1 ½ storeys high and set at a lower level to 11 Beaufort Gardens and the proposed two storey extension would bring the property 4m closer.  It would create significant overlooking particularly into their family bathroom. He said he was happy to work with his neighbour to come to a better solution.


The Committee were addressed by the Agent for the applicant.  He said the applicant wished to bring their property up to a modern standard and create additional ground floor space to accommodate an elderly relative.  He noted the difference in footprint of the previously approved extension to the one proposed and the difference in proximity to the boundary.  He also noted that there was a 2m hedge between the properties.


The comments of Councillor Crispin Raikes were read out in his absence.  He said there was an element of overlooking and dominance due to the height of Beaufort Gardens relative to Compton Road, however he was not convinced that this would be significantly altered by the application from the status quo.


In response to questions from Members, the Development Management Case Officer confirmed the view from one of the bedrooms would overlook the neighbouring property but to condition obscured glazing in a bedroom would be very unusual.  She also confirmed that the parking at the site satisfied the optimum as required by the Highway Authority.


Following a brief discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the application be approved, contrary to the officers recommendation, as the proposal respected the character of the area and there was no demonstrable harm to residential amenity or highway safety.  On being put to the vote, this was carried by 7 in favour and 2 against.



That planning application 19/00587/HOU be APPROVED, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the following reason:


The proposal, by reason of its size, scale and materials, respects the character of the area and causes no demonstrable harm to residential amenity or highway safety in accordance with the aims and objectives of Policies EQ2 and TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-28) and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.


  1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


  1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents reference:
    1. Dwg 187/02 Rev A – Existing Site, Block and Roof Plan
    2. Dwg 187/03 Rev D – Proposed Floor Plans
    3. Dwg 187/04 Rev B – Proposed Elevations
    4. Dwg 187/05 – Proposed Sections
    5. Design and Access Statement


and the external surfaces of the development shall be of materials as indicated in the application form and no other materials shall be used without the prior written consent of the local planning authority.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


(Voting: 7 in favour, 2 against, 0 abstentions)

Supporting documents: