Agenda item

Planning Application 19/03253/LBC - Butterwell Farm, Lower Pitney Road, Pitney TA10 9AG


Proposal: Carrying out of internal and external alterations, including replacement front porch, two-storey side extension, first floor rear extension and conversion of end store to form an annex.


This application was presented and discussed in conjunction with the previous application 19/03252/HOU and comments made on that application also refer to this application.


There was no discussion and it was proposed to approve listed building consent, contrary to the officer recommendation, as it was considered the proposal would not be harmful to the character of the historic building. In response to the proposal, the Specialist (Development Control) suggested wording for the justification and that conditions would only be required for time limit, approved plans, materials and retention of the staircase.


A vote was taken on the proposal to grant listed building consent, subject to the conditions as suggested, and was carried unanimously in favour.



That Listed Building Consent application 19/03253/LBC be GRANTED, contrary to the officer recommendation, subject to the following:




The proposals are not considered to be harmful to the historic exterior layout and character of this Listed Building, and are in accordance with policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-28.


Subject to the following conditions:


01.     The works hereby granted consent shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this consent.


Reason:  As required by Section 16(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


02.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

All prefixed: F1532 -

·      _001b Survey

·      _100b Proposed

·      _101b Proposed

·      _002b Survey


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


03.     The scheme hereby permitted shall not be commenced until particulars of the materials (including the provision of samples where appropriate) to be used for external walls and roofs have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in accordance with Policies EQ2 and EQ3 of the South Somerset District Local Plan.


04.     The existing elm staircase as shown as 'existing stairs removed and cupboard formed' on plan ref. F1532/100B, shall in fact be retained and maintained as an integral part of this proposed development in accordance with a detailed scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development.


Reason: In the interests of the preservation and recording of this historic asset and in accordance with Policy EQ3 of the South Somerset District Local Plan.


(Voting: Unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: