Agenda item

Planning Application 19/00810/FUL - Land at Tail Mill, Tail Mill Lane, Merriott


Proposal: The erection of 2 No. commercial buildings with the provision for car parking, access and turning areas.  The proposed buildings are to provide employment opportunity for SME businesses and to the local residents of Merriott


The Specialist for Development Management introduced his report and reminded Members that the application had been deferred from their February meeting for more information on the access road to the site.  He advised that following negotiation, an amended road layout was proposed with a pinch point in the middle to allow for a bund and planting with a chipping surface after the first 25m to remove the urban feel of the previous road.  The employment buildings proposed were not considered an issue.  Further consultation on the amended plans had resulted in Merriott Parish Council, who had previously supported the application, saying the road would not be durable and the existing access was adequate.  SCC Highways had not made further comments and two other representations said the site was not suitable for the vehicles using the development.  He concluded that the amended plans overcame officers concerns and the recommendation was to approve the application.


In response to questions from Members, the Specialist for Development Management advised:-


·         The low frequency of traffic movement and visibility would allow vehicles to give way at the pinch point. 

·         The existing access to the site was proposed to be blocked up and be a pedestrian access only. The new road access would be a private road

·         The Parrett Trail would not cross the new access road.

·         The construction of the new access road as first priority could be conditioned.


The Agent for the applicant said the development officer was fully supportive of the application and dedicated service road.  The Parish Council had initially supported the application.  The narrowing of the road was to create the impression of a country lane and there was ample space either side to allow two vehicles to pass.


The Ward Member, Councillor Paul Maxwell, said the application had previously been deferred because of the access road.  The employment facility was welcomed but the concern was the access road.  He said that the Chairman of the Parish Council had emailed him with their concerns regarding to the access across a rural field.  He felt the access to the new buildings could still be achieved from the existing road layout. 


During discussion some Members expressed their ongoing concern at creating a new road across the open field.  The employment units were welcomed but some Members were still concerned at the proposed access.  Other Members expressed their support for the amended scheme. 


It was proposed and seconded that the application be refused permission as the access road was an intrusive development into open countryside, affecting biodiversity and heritage assets and its need was not proven.   The reasons for refusal were given as:-  The siting of the proposed access road is considered to result in development that would be visually intrusive in an area of undeveloped land and therefore harmful to the rural character of the countryside.  The provision of the road is considered to visually expand the site beyond the well defined and established boundary into open countryside which would exacerbate the identified visual harm.  As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 – 2028.


This was proposed and seconded and a named vote was taken at which there were 9 votes in favour of refusal with 2 against and 0 abstentions.


RESOLVED: That members of Area West Committee recommend to the Chief Executive that planning application 19/00810/FUL be REFUSED permission, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, for the following reasons:


1.      The siting of the proposed access road is considered to result in development that would be visually intrusive in an area of undeveloped land and therefore harmful to the rural character of the countryside. 

2.      The provision of the road is considered to visually expand the site beyond the well defined and established boundary into open countryside which would exacerbate the identified visual harm.  As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 – 2028.


(Voting: 9 in favour, 2 against, 0 abstentions)

Supporting documents: