Agenda item

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO's)




That Area South members recommend that the Chief Executive agree to ‘make’ the new Yeovil HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Article 4 Direction covering College Green as detailed on the map at Appendix 2.


To recommend agreement of a specific extension of the current Article 4 Direction covering HMO’s to include College Green as part of a new zone to become Zone 6 (College Green).

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


The Specialist for Development Management introduced the report and advised that following an enforcement complaint at a property being converted into an HMO at College Green, Yeovil, a number of concerns were expressed by local residents at the Area South Committee meeting in March 2020 regarding parking, refuse storage and access for emergency vehicles.  The enforcement case was subsequently closed as it accorded with the relevant regulations.  The property was inspected by housing and environmental health officers who were content the works had taken place to a good standard and a HMO license was therefore granted.  The residents had requested that consideration be given to extending the existing Article 4 direction which restricted any HMO with more than 3 people in the designated area.  If agreed, it would become Zone 6.  There were 3 proposed options for Members to consider.


In response to questions from Members, the Specialist for Development Management advised:-


·         The consultation period for the extension to the Roping Road and Mitchelmore Road HMO sites had taken longer than anticipated but they were progressing and they would be in place by the end of the year.

·         The concerns expressed by housing officers at the proposed designation were not particularly related to the College Green area, but, for the supply of single bed properties in the whole of Yeovil and the potential investment by HMO landlords.

·         No compensation had been paid to a developer for any for abortive expenditure resulting from the designation of an Article 4 direction.

·         The aim of an Article 4 was to spread the conversion of properties into HMO’s across the town and not to intensify them in any one area.

·         An Article 4 would not prevent further HMO properties within the area but they would require planning permission if housing more than 3 people.

·         The local MP wrote in support of the local residents request for a HMO designation in the area.  


One of the Ward Members, Councillor Andy Kendall, said that parking in the College Green area was already an issue for residents and more HMO properties would increase this. 


The Committee were then addressed by two local resident of College Green.  Their comments included:-

·         The existing conversion in College Green was to a high standard for high earning tenants and would not address homelessness in the area.

·         The existing conversion was having an adverse impact upon local residents.

·         The builders at the site had dropped a kerb and removed a tree and the waste and recycling issues had not been addressed. 

·         The car parking issues were being exacerbated by the HMO residents. 

·         The estate was not designed for conversion to HMO’s.


The Chairman, as Ward Member, advised that HMO accommodation was required within the town but it had to be in the correct area.  By imposing an Article 4 direction, any future proposal to convert properties in that area would be considered by the Area Committee.  He did not feel that it would discourage potential HMO landlords, but, would focus them to appropriate areas.  He said that he supported option 1 to propose that College Green be designated as an HMO’s as part of a new zone to become Zone 6 (College Green).


During discussion, Members voiced their support for the designation of College Green as the new Yeovil HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Article 4 Direction.  They felt that HMO properties were suitable in certain areas but they must be controlled to those suitable areas of the town.  There was a need for the accommodation in the town.


It was proposed and seconded that Option 1 to agree to ‘make’ the new Direction covering College Green as detailed on the map at Appendix 2 and on being put to the vote, this was agreed unanimously.



That Area South members recommend that the Chief Executive agree:-



to ‘make’ the new Yeovil HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Article 4 Direction covering College Green as detailed on the map at Appendix 2 in the officer’s report.



to instruct officers to commence the required consultations and publicity as set out in the relevant legislation with a view to the Direction as amended coming into force in late 2020.



To recommend agreement of a specific extension of the current Article 4 Direction covering HMO’s to include College Green as part of a new zone to become Zone 6 (College Green).

(Voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: