Agenda item

20/00251/OUT** - Land South of Chilthorne Knapp, Chilthorne Hill, Chilthorne Domer


Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling


The Development Management Case Officer introduced the report and advised that the application was referred to Committee at the request of the Ward Member and due to potential district wide implications, it was two-starred and would be referred to Regulation Committee if approved.  She advised that a similar application had been refused permission at the site the previous year.  She provided a power point presentation of the site, showing its remoteness, access and distance to local services.

She concluded that the main considerations were the principle of development, the site location remote from services and that the site was within the curtilage of a Grade 2 listed building with no statement of heritage significance provided to assess the possible impact.  The recommendation was to refuse permission.


The Committee were then addressed by a representative of Chilthorne Domer Parish Council who said they had no objections to the proposals.


The Committee were then addressed by the applicant who said he had lived in the Yeovil area for 15 years and had actively been seeking a building site for some time. He was a qualified brick layer and stonemason and also assisted his father to run his farm.  The site was in the middle of the farming area and living there would provide a green and more sustainable lifestyle.  The house would be built of natural hamstone and would incorporate eco-friendly measures. Any potential overlooking of neighbouring properties would be covered by trees and hedge planting.   The site was sustainable due to its closeness to the farm area and the local roads were safe to use. 


The Agent for the applicant advised that there would be no problem in providing the required visibility splays and a safe access could be provided without any detriment to other road users.  This could be covered by an appropriate condition.  This was already a developed site and the proposed self-build site was adequate to overcome policy objection.  The application had been accompanied by a statement of the impact of the heritage asset and given the distances separating the proposed dwelling and the listed building there could not be any significant impact on the heritage asset.  This would bring a dilapidated site back into good use and provide a family home.


One of the Ward Members, Councillor Paul Rowsell, said he was sad the village of Chilthorne Domer was considered to be unsustainable when it had many local services.  He said there was also a half-hourly bus service and by footpath, the village was very close.  The Parish Council fully supported the application and he said the site was asking to be built upon.


The other Ward Member, Councillor Charlie Hull, also spoke in support of the application.  He noted the applicants intent to build with eco-friendly measures and said the farming family should be supported.


The other Ward Member, Councillor Tony Capozzoli, said although officers had put forward a reasoned argument to refuse the application, he felt, having listened to the debate that the application should be granted permission. 


In response to questions from Members, the Specialist for Development Management and the Development Management Case Officer advised:-


·         They were aware that the application would be a self-build property but the number of self-build plots available far exceeded the number of people on the self-build register. Also, no legal agreement had been submitted with the application to ensure it would be a self-build.  Little weight was given in planning terms to self-build.

·         Public rights of way did not always provide a safe or convenient access to services during winter months. 

·         Agricultural land, whether developed or not could not be classed as brownfield.

·         Because of the district-wide implications of approving the application, the Lead Specialist for Development Management had asked that it be referred to the Regulation Committee.

·         Self-build could not be a condition of approval but the applicant could enter into a legal agreement to do this.


During discussion, it was noted that it was helpful to see the distances to local services on the officer’s presentation.  Members felt that the site was in a sustainable location and it was proposed and seconded that the application be approved.


The Legal Specialist advised that Members needed justification to propose that the application be approved.


The justification was agreed as: The proposal will provide a new self-build dwelling in a sustainable location by reason of being well related to key services by foot or cycle.  The proposed development therefore constitutes a sustainable development in accord with policies ST1, SS4, SS5, EQ2, EQ3 ands TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF.  Subject to conditions including time limit, approved plans, access and visibility, electric vehicle charging point, ecology conditions, planting and landscaping, noise, ventilation, construction times, no burning on site, and a legal obligation for self-build.


The proposal to approve was then put to the vote and carried unanimously.



That members of Area East Committee recommend to the Chief Executive that planning application 20/00251/OUT** be referred to the Regulation Committee with a recommendation to APPROVE, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, for the following reasons:-

The proposal will provide a new self-build dwelling in a sustainable location by reason of being well related to key services by foot or cycle.  The proposed development therefore constitutes a sustainable development in accord with policies ST1, SS4, SS5, EQ2, EQ3 ands TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF. 

Subject to conditions including time limit, approved plans, access and visibility, electric vehicle charging point, ecology conditions, planting and landscaping, noise, ventilation, construction times, no burning on site, and a legal obligation for self-build.

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


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