Agenda item

Natural Environment Presentation


The Leisure and Recreation Manager provided Members with a presentation on the work and projects achieved since the Council adopted its Environment  Strategy in October 2019.  Under that strategy there were delivery and service plans setting out the work plans as completed by the Environment, Countryside and Horticultural teams.  There was also an Environment Community of Practice consisting of officers from across the Council who ensured the momentum and delivery of project progresses which included:


·         Over 15,000 trees planted since 2019

·         Part of a group working to deliver a new Somerset Tree Strategy

·         Created wilder spaces in parks

·         Ensured 5-year Land Management Plans at all SSDC owned or managed countryside sites and Grassland Management Plans for other parks.

·         Green Flag and RHS Best Park Awards secured

·         Twice weekly volunteering days in both country parks

·         The Country Park and Local Nature Reserve deliver a busy & diverse public events programme include bat walks, nature trails and bushcraft events and others.

·         Since 2019 the rangers have organised 162 events with over 10,000 participants

·         On-line events were held during the pandemic including virtual tree planting with primary schools and a dog show.

·         New website: 

·         Working in partnership to support the Somerset Local Nature Partnership (LNP) and the Somerset-wide Tree Strategy with County and District partners

·         Support river and natural flood management projects across the district.

·         Network of 70+ parish environment champions covering 50 parishes providing events, training and knowledge share opportunities

·         Managing (with funding support) South West in Bloom programme, plus two Community Resource Packs launched: a Spring Nature Pack and a Community Biodiversity Toolkit

·         Publish the monthly on-line Environment newsletter “Get SuSSed”

·         Since 2019 the countryside team have secured over £225,000 of additional funding to deliver habitat management works, provide additional temporary rangers, deliver community group sessions and provide free public events.

·         A further £233K enabled the purchase of 74 acres of woodland at Ham Hill to preserve the hillfort.

·         Some of this funding has enabled development of a £2.2 million application to the National Lottery’s Heritage Fund for heritage, wildlife & visitor improvements at Ham Hill.

·         The SSDC Community Grants for Green Initiatives had provided £58,000 of grant funding across 21 green projects


In response to a question, the Leisure and Recreation Manager said the National Lottery’s Heritage Fund were very supportive of their bid for visitor improvements at Ham Hill and a balanced budget for the project had been submitted.  She was very hopeful the bid would be successful.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment noted that Abri Housing had taken their land maintenance contract back in-house which had created land ownership and maintenance issues which were being worked through.


In response to questions from the Scrutiny Committee, the Leisure and Recreation Manager advised:


·         The Green Flag Awards were run by Keep Britain Tidy and there were a number of schemes within the overarching title which may be of interest to community groups.  A workshop could be held to explain the schemes.

·         The Somerset Wildlife Trust ran a scheme: Wilder Churches, which interested groups could be referred to.

·         The Local Government Review programme was helping officers to learn about best practice programmes available across the county and so were better informed to signpost residents and interested groups. 


At the conclusion of the presentation, the Chairman and a number of Members thanked the Leisure and Recreation Manager and her team for the work they carried out across the district.


The presentation was NOTED.

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