Agenda item

15/00349/FUL - Erection of a dwellinghouse on Land adjacent Heather House, Lovington, Castle Cary


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda; with the aid of a power point presentation he showed an aerial photo of the site and the existing access, proposed floor plans and photos of the site including some photos from the applicant.

The officer confirmed that his recommendation was to refuse the application as detailed in the agenda report.

Mrs C Harrington (whose mother was the applicant) and Mr M Harley addressed the committee in support of the application, their comments included:

·         The proposed dwelling would not be remote as it would only be a short walk to the bus stop which could take the applicant to the facilities in nearby Lovington;

·         As the applicant had particular needs she wanted to remain in the village;

·         A previous planning application had been approved by AEC members but had subsequently been refused at Regulation Committee where it had been considered by councillors with little or no knowledge of the area;

·         Flood maps were produced by rough computer modelling and were incorrect  but it would be too expensive to challenge the mapping as it was felt that this land should be in Flood Zone 1;

·          Flood Zone 3 would mean a 1 in 100 chance of being flooded but the land in question had never flooded.

The agent explained that he had attempted to update the flood risk assessment; he felt that this application was similar to the previous one considered and approved for West Camel, this application was also to meet a local need, the community wanted the application approved, there was a nearby bus service that could take the applicant to nearby services.

Ward Member Cllr Henry Hobhouse had recommended approval of the previous application and wished to approve this one.

Ward Member Cllr Nick Weeks concurred with the above comments; he had lived in the area for a long time and had never known it to flood. If approved the applicants current family home could then be made available for another family whose children could make use of the local school.


A proposal was made and seconded to approve the application contrary to the officer’s recommendation as this was considered to be an accepted local need; the services and facilities available in the cluster of settlements comprising Alford, Lovington and Clanville, was considered to be in a sustainable location. . On being put to the vote the motion was carried unanimously in favour.


RESOLVED: That Planning Application 15/00349/FUL be approved contrary to the officers recommendation for the following reason


The proposal by reason of the services and facilities available in the cluster of settlements comprising Alford, Lovington and Clanville, is considered to be in a sustainable location. The proposed house would meet an accepted local need and would not be at undue risk from flooding and in all other respects is considered acceptable. As such the proposal complies with policies SD1, SS1, SS2, EQ1 and EQ2 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.




1.         Time limit

2.         Approved plans

3.         Agreement of external material

4.         FFL and other flood defence to accord with those set out in FRA submitted with application.

(Voting: Unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: