Agenda item

15/01007/FUL - Erection of a dwelling and village shop on Land to the South of The Red Lion Inn, North Street, Babcary


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda report, with the aid of a power point presentation he showed details of the site, proposed plans and photographs including the applicants photographs.


He referred to the history of the site and the reasons for the refusal of previous planning applications one of which had been dismissed at appeal.  This application included the provision of a village shop, which in the officers view was not considered to constitute any economic or community benefit with no adequate justification or supporting information. The officer confirmed that his recommendation was to refuse the application.

Mr S Hoar and Mr B Crowley addressed the committee in opposition to the application.  Their comments included:

·         The PC did not object to the proposed shop as such, although they did not think it was necessary;

·         If the house was approved it should be tied to the pub by a S106 obligation;

·         Although supported the existing successful business they could not support the proposal of a new dwelling.

Mr J Spence spoke in support of the application: the current owners had improved the pub and had helped in raising funds for the village and were an asset to the community.

Mrs J Montgomery, the agent and Mr C Garrard, the owner, both addressed the committee and explained that the best way to run the business was by living on the site.  The proposal would be sustainable by living and working on the site and the shed would be well used as a shop. It would be almost impossible to obtain a mortgage if the dwelling was to be tied to the business.  In their opinion Policy SS2 would be met and although the SSDC Economic Development Officer considered the proposal to be finely balanced he was not opposed to the application.

Ward Member Cllr Nick Weeks was divided in his opinion: as there was a need to trust the owner to live and work at the pub and not sell the dwelling on, but if the application was refused there was a danger that the community could lose the pub and business altogether.

During discussion members expressed their support for the application and made the following comments including:

·         The Red Lion was a well-run pub where the owner had invested his own money into the business;

·         Pubs needed to diversify in order to survive;

·         Having land available next to the premises was a bonus;

·         It would be necessary to trust the applicant not to sell the dwelling separately if approved with no tie;

·         It took a lot of time in order to run a successful pub business and if approved the service would be greatly enhanced;

·         Concern that approval of this application may set a precedent;

·         There was a need to encourage local businesses;

·         It would be hard to approve the application using Policy SS2 as the local community were largely against it.

In response to queries the Area Lead East replied that the issue was not about the merits of the pub or the Landlord but that it was necessary to focus on Policy SS2.  The suggestion that temporary permission be granted would not help the situation.

A proposal was made and seconded to approve the application as it complied with policy SS2; it would be sustainable, not remote and would support the local.

The Planning Officer explained that any permission around the shop needed to be based on benefit to the local community.

It was suggested that if members were minded to approve the application the reasons should include a S106 obligation to secure provision of the shop to the satisfaction of the Development Manager in consultation with the Ward Members.  The proposed provision of a village shop and a unit of family accommodation, for which there was community support, would meet a local need without detriment to the character of the locality, in a sustainable location.

On being put to the vote the motion was carried by 9 votes in favour and 1 abstention.

RESOLVED That Planning Application 15/01007/FUL be approved contrary to the officers recommendation subject to a S106 obligation to secure provision of the shop to satisfaction of the Development Manager in consultation with Ward Members:-

For the following reason:

The proposed provision of a village shop and a unit of family accommodation, for which there is community support, would meet a local need without detriment to the character of the locality, in a sustainable location. As such the proposal complies with policies SD1, SS1, SS2, EQ1 and EQ2 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


SUBJECT TO CONDITION(S)as per Planning Application10/05151/FUL without the restrictive occupancy condition.

(Voting: 9 in favour; 1 abstention)

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