Agenda item

Performance of the Streetscene Service


The Streetscene Manager summarised the report as shown in the agenda. He highlighted to members the work of the team and other key points including:

·         The team were currently in the middle of the weed-spraying programme – on course for two full treatments a years

·         It was hoped to further develop the working with Community Payback, and to use the teams to help with street cleansing across the district.

·         Coordinating with Skanska to carry out litter picking along busy roads when carriageways are already cordoned off for highway maintenance works.

·         The size of flytips in Area North seemed to suggest that tipping was likely to be by householders rather than commercial parties.

Responses by the Streetscene Manage to comments raised during discussion included:

·         Regarding the Parish Ranger Scheme – staff could look at work required to provide an estimate of time and costs, and he would circulate a schedule of costs for information. He would also circulate useful phone numbers for members of the Streetscene Team.

·         Acknowledge some parishes were wanting more dog bins

·         There were the same number of enforcement officers available regarding the monitoring of dog fouling, and members should contact them through Environmental Health.


Members thanked the Streetscene Manager for his informative report.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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