Agenda item

Public Participation at Committees

a)     Questions/comments from members of the public

b)     Questions/comments from representatives of parish/town councils

This is a chance for members of the public and representatives of Parish/Town Councils to participate in the meeting by asking questions, making comments and raising matters of concern.  Parish/Town Council representatives may also wish to use this opportunity to ask for the District Council’s support on any matter of particular concern to their Parish/Town. The public and representatives of Parish/Town Councils will be invited to speak on any planning related questions later in the agenda, before the planning applications are considered.


Mr P Trevethan addressed the committee with reference to the Charlton Mackrell and West Charlton Conservation Area Review that had been considered at the last Area East Committee meeting held on 12th August 2015. He was unhappy with the members’ resolution at that meeting and the short consultation period. He read an extract from Section 71 of the Planning Act regarding Conservation Areas. He felt that AEC members had let him down.

In response the ADM explained that there was a duty to ensure that Conservation Areas were kept under review but for amendments there was no requirement to consult.  At the last AEC meeting Councillors had resolved to support the amendments to the designated area subject to confirmation of support from Charlton Mackrell PC at their next PC meeting. The decision then to be confirmed by the Conservation Manager in liaison with the Ward Member and, once approved, the changes would be advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

At the meeting of the Charltons PC held on 25th August 2015 it had been unanimously agreed to approve the amendments to the designated Charlton Mackrell Conservation area.  With the agreement of the ward member the formal processes of notification and advertising of the extension to the conservation area were then put in place.  The ADM explained that this was a simple extension to the Conservation Area and not a new area or a fuller Conservation Area Appraisal which would be a more consultative process.

Cllr Anna Groskop, as a member of the Standards Committee, confirmed that that Committee had come to the conclusion that there had been no wrong doing with the process and they were content to abide with the resolution made by AEC.

In conclusion the Chairman replied that if the Charltons PC had not supported the recommendation regarding the extension, AEC would have reconsidered the matter.

Cllr Tim Inglefield reported that Mrs Lilian Elson, a local resident and regular attendee of AEC meetings had published a book about Montague Harriers.

Mrs Elson addressed the committee with reference to Agenda Item 10, the Streetscene Service.  She wished to thank the service for the help given with a long running problem in Holton but since a recent successful prosecution, there had been no further problems.

Cllr Tony Capozzoli wished it to be noted that Planning Application 15/03137/FUL, Agenda Item 14 was in the parish of Mudford.

Cllr Colin Winder asked for the Local Plan Conservation Strategy to be progressed as quickly as possible as there was currently no policy document.  During discussion it was decided that the document did need to be adopted as soon as possible and until it was, it could not form part of the policy; therefore the work needed to be carried forward quickly.  A letter would be sent to the Planning Service on behalf of AEC requesting that the work should be carried out as quickly as possible.  Ten members voted in agreement and one member abstained.

The ADM confirmed that she would request that the update report on the Conservation Service on the forward plan for the October meeting would include details of Conservation Area changes and Conservation Area Appraisals.


Cllr Colin Winder also referred to an issue that he had with Development Control regarding Planning Application 15/00284/FUL which he was currently pursuing.

Cllr Winder raised the matter of the planning enquiry regarding Dancing Lane, Wincanton which in his opinion was riddled with errors.

Cllr Mike Lewis felt that lessons should be learnt from this in order to prevent it from being repeated.

Cllr Winder felt that it was important to improve Ward Member consultation and involvement and he wanted to be able to view the relevant notes of any agreements made.

In response to Cllr Winders query from concerned constituents stating that any people from Syria should not be housed in social housing set aside for local people, the Chairman replied that there were no answers yet but Cllr Winder should contact the Leader of the Council for more in-depth information.

Sarah Dyke Bracher wished it to be recorded that the majority of her constituents of Milborne Port wanted to do as much as they could to help those in need from Syria.