Agenda item

Planning Application 15/03475/R3C - Primrose Hill Primary and Nursery School, Cabot road, Yeovil


The Area Lead South presented the application as detailed in the agenda and with the aid of a power point presentation showed the site and proposed plans. 


He told members that SSDC is a consultee on this application and at the request of the Development Manager members are asked to consider the Council’s response and comment on this Somerset County Council (SCC) planning application. 


The Area Lead South also referred members to the draft proposed response to SCC as set out in the agenda report and asked members whether this to be acceptable and sought their views on this application.


Councillor Tony Lock declared he was a member of the Somerset County Council Regulation Committee who would deliberate this application, however as this application was for consultation only he would not leave the room during consideration of this item.


In response to questions, the Area Lead South confirmed to members that the number of proposed car parking spaces was considered insufficient and these concerns would be included within the response.


Tony Cavalier the Vice Chairman of Mudford Parish Council addressed the committee.  He believed consideration for the primary school application should not be deliberated in advance of the current application planned for the Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE).  He was concerned what impact the overall development would have on the surrounding road network and the current unconnected/detached site of the school should the urban extension fail to be built. He also raised concern regarding the impact from the construction traffic including soil removal, access for emergency vehicles and the hugely inadequate number of parking and drop off spaces proposed for the school.  He appreciated the essential need for a school but did not consider this location to be appropriate as a site had been identified and agreed in 2008.


Councillor Mike Lewis, County Councillor also addressed the committee.  He confirmed that he had initiated consultation from SCC regarding the application and although appreciated the need for a primary school in the area felt it was unusual to consider permission prior to consideration of the Upper Mudford SUE application.  He understood that an Environmental Impact Assessment had not been undertaken and encouraged this to be carried out.  He also voiced his concern regarding the inadequate number of car parking spaces proposed and urged that strong representation be made to insure sufficient car parking spaces are provided.


Nick Whitsun-Jones then addressed the committee as a Representative from Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).  He appreciated the need for the primary school in the area however felt the application did not accord with Policy YV2 of the recently adopted Local Plan.  He felt the application was premature and prejudiced the comprehensive planning of the Upper Mudford SUE application.  He considered the school was an integral part of the development and the statutory obligation to decide planning applications in accordance with the recently adopted Local Plan. He therefore wished that the District Council would oppose the application for the reasons stated.


In response, the Area Lead South explained to members that:


·         As consultees SSDC are unable to make judgements on the legalities of the application process and the concerns raised will ultimately be considered by SCC the determining body.


·         The current Upper Mudford SUE application includes the provision of one primary school and as such is in accordance with Policy YV2 of the recently adopted Local Plan.  The Upper Mudford SUE application will continue to be considered with the inclusion of the primary school and its enlarged dimensions.


Members proceeded to discuss the application, comments and views were expressed including the following:


·         Great concern regarding the inadequate number of car parking spaces proposed for the school and the absence of car/bus drop off provision.

·         Considered it to be in the best interest of the local community for the school to be built as quickly as possible as the intake for schools within Yeovil is of upmost priority.

·         Only access road was the main through road of Wyndham Park therefore wished that construction traffic and school traffic should access the site via a new road and not through Wyndham Park.

·         Need to encourage cycling and walking to school hence the need for adequate footpaths to link the school to the surrounding area.

·         Concerns’ regarding the white render material to be used on the building and the need to ensure building is in keeping with the surrounding area.


During a short debate, members, led by the Area Lead South discussed and agreed the draft response to be sent to SCC as detailed in the agenda report.  Members were happy to endorse the Officer’s draft proposed response with the inclusion of the following points:


·         The use of a darker tone of render is preferred.

·         Construction traffic and then day-to-day school traffic should not access the site via Wyndham Park but via a new road off Lyde road/Primrose lane, which itself should be landscaped.

·         12 parking spaces are wholly insufficient and many more spaces should be provided.


On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.


Supporting documents: