Agenda item

Setting the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2016/17




That the District Executive recommend to Council:



that personal allowances and premiums are uprated in line with those for Housing Benefit;



that non-dependent deductions are uprated in line with the annual percentage increase in Council Tax;



that the non-dependent income bands are increased by the same percentage as those in the Prescribed Requirements relating to pensioners;



that approval is given for proposals A and C to be incorporated into the 2016/17 scheme;



that proposals B and D be rejected;



that the hardship scheme budget be set at £30,000 for the 2016/17 financial year;



to consider the Equalities Impact Assessment at Appendix 1 in approving (d) and (e) above;



to consider the public consultation responses at Appendix 2 in approving (d) and (e) above;



to note the recommendations of the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group attached at Appendix 3;



to note the scheme has been amended to reflect changes to the Prescribed Requirements;



that the 2016/17 Council Tax Support Scheme attached at Appendix A is adopted;



to note that the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme has been reflected within the overall Council Tax Base.


To recommend the proposed amendments to the Council Tax Support scheme for the 2016/17 financial year to Full Council for approval.



The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Legal Services thanked the Scrutiny Task and Finish group for their work in reviewing the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.  He said many different approaches were tested including the effect of Universal Credit and some were rejected because of this.  He outlined the four proposed changes, two of which were not supported and he noted that the Hardship Scheme had been set at £30,000 for the year. 

The Scrutiny Chairman noted that the scheme had been considered in great depth by a Task and Finish Group and she drew attention to a small error within the report which would be corrected before presentation to Full Council.

In response to questions from Members the Portfolio Holder, Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) and the Revenues and Benefits Manager confirmed that:-

·         The proposal to reduce the amount of savings held whilst remaining in receipt of council tax support had been supported by the majority of consultation respondents and those affected by the proposal was on a sliding scale as capital between £16,000 and £6,000 is currently taken into account.

·         The Somerset Rivers Authority levy would increase the amount of council tax support claimed and the impact to SSDC would be less than £200,000.

·         The respondents to the consultation process were a representative cross section of people who were in receipt of council tax support and those who were not.

·         None of the assertions in the consultation were taken at face value but had been calculated to identify how many people they would affect. 

The Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) agreed to provide a briefing note on the Council Tax Support Scheme for Town and Parish Councillors. 

At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to recommend the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2016/17 to Council for approval.


That the District Executive recommend to Council:



that personal allowances and premiums are uprated in line with those for Housing Benefit;



that non-dependent deductions are uprated in line with the annual percentage increase in Council Tax;



that the non-dependent income bands are increased by the same percentage as those in the Prescribed Requirements relating to pensioners;



that approval is given for proposals A and C to be incorporated into the 2016/17 scheme;



that proposals B and D be rejected;



that the hardship scheme budget be set at £30,000 for the 2016/17 financial year;



to consider the Equalities Impact Assessment at Appendix 1 in approving (d) and (e) above;



to consider the public consultation responses at Appendix 2 in approving (d) and (e) above;



to note the recommendations of the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group attached at Appendix 3;



to note the scheme has been amended to reflect changes to the Prescribed Requirements;



that the 2016/17 Council Tax Support Scheme attached at Appendix A is adopted;



to note that the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme has been reflected within the overall Council Tax Base.


To recommend the proposed amendments to the Council Tax Reduction scheme for the 2016/17 financial year to Full Council for approval.


Supporting documents: