Agenda item



Motion 1


That Council agreed to the introduction of words of encouragement (non-religious) before meetings of Full Council.   

(Voting: 22 in favour, 21 against, 11 abstentions)

Motion 2


That Council agreed to establish, understand and report to the residents of Chard, the future plan for sporting facilities and sporting development within the town. To set out the strategy of delivering this plan by identifying gap analyses of the current, and future states, including the ownership/accountability of key stakeholders.

Thus being in line, and reflecting the commitments made in the SSDC Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 - 2018 (Page 19, Paragraph 2).

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


Motion 1

The following Motion was submitted by Councillor Tony Capozzoli:-

That Council consider the reintroduction of prayers before meetings of Full Council.   Members may wish to consider inviting a local faith leader, or, invite a Councillor to lead a short prayer prior to the start of a Council meeting. 

Councillor Tony Capozzoli advised that in the past, an SSDC Councillor who had also been a Lay-Preacher, had always said a few words of encouragement prior to Council meetings.  He said the words did not have to be of a religious nature but could be a thought for the day. 

During discussion, varying views were expressed.  Some Members were in favour of introducing prayers whilst other did not feel comfortable with a religious content.  The Leader of Council proposed that the Motion be amended to agree to the introduction of words of encouragement (non-religious) before meetings of Full Council.  Councillor Capozzoli accepted this amendment and on being put to the vote, the majority of Members were in favour of the introduction of words of encouragement of a non-religious nature, before meetings of Full Council.


That Council agreed to the introduction of words of encouragement (non-religious) before meetings of Full Council.   

(Voting: 22 in favour, 21 against, 11 abstentions)

Motion 2

The following Motion was submitted by Councillor Amanda Broom:-

For SSDC to establish, understand and report to the residents of Chard, the future plan for sporting facilities and sporting development within the town. To set out the strategy of delivering this plan by identifying gap analyses of the current, and future states, including the ownership/accountability of key stakeholders.

Thus being in line, and reflecting the commitments made in the SSDC Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 - 2018 (Page 19, Paragraph 2).

Councillor Amanda Broom advised that the people of Chard felt there was a lack of support for sport in Chard.  She mentioned several hockey, football, rugby, cricket, tennis, boxing and running clubs who either had to play on pitches outside the town or had outgrown their current facilities and were struggling to find new pitches or had disbanded because of a lack of pitches available. 

Councillor Sylvia Seal, as Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, supported the motion and referred to the Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation assessments which were on-going across the district.  She offered to meet with Councillor Broom to discuss the dissemination of information to residents within the town and noted that the Community Health and Leisure Team would be happy to assist with any advice on fundraising etc.

The Leader of Council said work had started to secure land for playing pitches for Chard, but, unfortunately, the negotiations had stalled when the landowner passed away.  He confirmed that he had two other options for sites which he was progressing.

Councillor Amanda Broom thanked the Portfolio Holder and Leader of Council for their support.  She confirmed that she was working towards getting all the clubs together to move forward.

At the conclusion of the debate, Members were unanimously in favour of supporting the Motion to establish and report the future plan for sporting facilities and sporting development within Chard.


That Council agreed to establish, understand and report to the residents of Chard, the future plan for sporting facilities and sporting development within the town. To set out the strategy of delivering this plan by identifying gap analyses of the current, and future states, including the ownership/accountability of key stakeholders.

Thus being in line, and reflecting the commitments made in the SSDC Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 - 2018 (Page 19, Paragraph 2).

(Voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: