Agenda item

SSDC Transformation Programme



That Council:


(i)      Accepted the Headline Business Case for Transformation, attached in Appendix A including the vision and principles for transformation and noted the headline risks, and equality impact assessment included in this report


(ii)     Agreed the Transformation Programme governance arrangements as set out in section 6 of this report.


(iii)    Delegated authority to deliver the Programme to the Leader of the Council with the approval of the Programme Board.


(iv)   Approved that savings of £2,000,000 be added to the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2017/18 and 2018/19.


(v)    Approved that £59,975 for ongoing software maintenance costs is added to the Medium Term Financial Plan as an ongoing commitment from 2017/18.


(vi)   Approved that the £394,000 currently held in the Voluntary Redundancy Reserve is transferred to a new Transformation Reserve to fund this programme.


(vii)  Allocated £1,314,300 from capital receipts set aside in the budget for transformation to fund this programme.


(viii)Agreed that the further revenue cost of £2,754,000 is funded from the Revenue Support Reserve.



To approve the principles and vision for the Council Transformation programme that will lead to the adoption of a new operating model.


(Voting: 45 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)


The Leader of Council introduced the report and noted that if approved this decision would be the biggest decision the authority had made for some time.  He acknowledged it would not be without risk but no matter what option was taken, the funding shortfall for future years would need to be found.  He said there were experiences to draw on from elsewhere and SSDC would design its own model.


He explained that the programme would provide substantial savings that were necessary and would enhance the customer experience and provide a better service to the public.  He appreciated that communication was key to staff and that all members should be engaged in the process to focus on and improve and maintain the services to the public.


The Portfolio Holder for Transformation explained to members in more detail the recommendations as set out in the agenda report and that the programme would help release both staff and financial resources to work on priorities such as income generation.  She recognised the risks involved but referred to the robust risk assessment and how the programme would not only become beneficial financially but provide a better service to the public. 


She further explained aspects of the report in more detail including:


·         The key issues identified to address for a future change programme.

·         Benefits of the Transformation Programme.

·         Timescale of the implementation of the Future Model.

·         Breakdown of budget and estimated costs and savings.

·         Headline risk assessment.


In conclusion the Portfolio Holder for Transformation thanked the Officers for the huge amount of work on the research and services of the authority and asked that all members support the Transformation Programme.


The Leader of Council referred to the membership of the Transformation Programme Board and suggested that along with Councillors Tim Inglefield and Sue Steele two additional non-executive members should also be appointed to the board (4 non-executive members in total).  He explained that in agreement with both group leaders it was requested that any member who may wish to take up the position are asked to inform their group leaders as soon as possible in order that a decision can be made.


In response to questions, members were informed that:


·         Appreciate that this programme will be a journey and at no point will there be a final picture as it is being designed along the way to fit the purpose of SSDC.  However acknowledge that there will be decisions that need to be made at some points in order for the process to evolve.

·         The Lean process was taken service by service and after having achieved a great deal the technology is now available to go further.  SSDC are now in a position to remodel the organisation and look at efficiencies across the board. It is understood to look at maximum waste and duplication first.

·         We are not contracting out and will look to do the vast majority in house but there is the possibility to bring in additional expertise if required. 

·         Appreciate mistakes cannot always be avoided however guarantee that the Programme Board will take extreme care and time in making every decision.

·         Appreciate not all members of the public are entirely comfortable with digital. The idea is to encourage on-line and self-serve and reducing the avoidable contact however there will be other forms of communication should it be required. 


The Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) also explained to members how the salary savings of £2million over the five years was shown on the Medium Term Financial Plan.


Councillor Sue Steele Chairman of Scrutiny Committee wished to highlight to members that Recommendation 3 as set out in the agenda report gives the Leader and Programme Board the ability to spend over £2million to deliver the Transformation Programme without any call back to Scrutiny or the public.


The Portfolio Holder for Transformation reassured members that any decisions made will go through the usual rigorous procurement process. The Programme Board will also have ability to bring any decisions back to either District Executive or Full Council if they so wish.


The Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) also confirmed that both Financial Procedures and Procurement Procedures still stand under the SSDC Constitution and therefore any decision such as changes to pay, term of conditions would be outside the remit of programme board and will have to come back to committee for final decision.


During further discussion, other comments included:


·         Support the transformation programme and confident it will work, however there was nervousness and concern as don’t know the overall structure of the Council when going into the programme.

·         Ensure to appoint the right person to supervise the overall contract and that penalty clauses are written in to any contractual agreements.

·         Needs to be a perfect system and all services need to be done well. 

·         Present system should be retained until such time the new one has been proved in all circumstances, you cannot patch and fill.

·         Hugely beneficial to SSDC with the outcome of a more efficient service to the members of the public.

·         Selecting the right IT will be key.


At the conclusion of the debate the majority of Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report. On being put to the vote this was carried by 45 votes in favour, 0 against and 2 abstentions.




That Council:


(i)      Accepted the Headline Business Case for Transformation, attached in Appendix A including the vision and principles for transformation and noted the headline risks, and equality impact assessment included in this report


(ii)     Agreed the Transformation Programme governance arrangements as set out in section 6 of this report.


(iii)    Delegated authority to deliver the Programme to the Leader of the Council with the approval of the Programme Board.


(iv)   Approved that savings of £2,000,000 be added to the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2017/18 and 2018/19.


(v)    Approved that £59,975 for ongoing software maintenance costs is added to the Medium Term Financial Plan as an ongoing commitment from 2017/18.


(vi)   Approved that the £394,000 currently held in the Voluntary Redundancy Reserve is transferred to a new Transformation Reserve to fund this programme.


(vii)  Allocated £1,314,300 from capital receipts set aside in the budget for transformation to fund this programme.


(viii)Agreed that the further revenue cost of £2,754,000 is funded from the Revenue Support Reserve.



To approve the principles and vision for the Council Transformation programme that will lead to the adoption of a new operating model.


(Voting: 45 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)


Supporting documents: