Agenda item

16/00666/OUT - Land at The Barn House, Woolston Road, North Cadbury


The Planning Officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda and with the aid of a powerpoint showed the proposed site and local surrounding area.  He explained to members that this was an outline application and brought to committee to allow local views to be debated.  He had no further updates to the report.


Malcolm Hunt representative of the Parish Council addressed the committee. He reported that when the Parish Council had discussed this application no information had been received from the Conservation Unit or the Highways Authority. He considered however there to be no major concerns regarding the impact on the character of the area and although the Highways Authority raised concern regarding safety due to existing substandard access, he felt this unfair, as this will always be the case with other residents using the same access. 


David Stockley spoke in objection to the application.  He considered the area to be of special character and the proposal would disrupt and have an impact on the character of the conservation area.


Tom Love spoke in objection to the application.  He raised concern regarding the highway safety issues which would only exacerbate due to residents already using the existing substandard access.  He also believed it would have detrimental impact on the character of the area and set a precedent for future development.


Frank Grenier also spoke in objection to the application as he believed there was a responsibility to maintain the character of the conservation area.


Matt Williams the agent addressed the committee.  He informed members that the applicants did not wish to look to harm the character of the area but merely downsize in order to retire and stay within the hamlet that they have lived in for many years.  He believed it was a sustainable location as North Cadbury was approximately 1.2km away and that the current access had been used on a daily basis for the last 22 years without incident.


Councillor Henry Hobhouse, Ward member explained that living locally he knew the road through the hamlet, which although considered substandard, included two major access points onto the highway and used frequently by farm traffic without incident.  He did not consider the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the area and although in a conservation area this was not set in perpetuity.  He said consideration should be given at reserved matter stage regarding the detail of the proposal and appreciated the applicants desire to downsize and stay within their local area.


Councillor Nick Weeks, Ward member expressed his disappointment that this application had not been submitted as a full application.  He felt this would have given additional information and details to include the materials of the proposal and the situation of the boundary hedge.   He did not consider this would set a precedent and appreciated the applicants wish to retire in their local area.


In response the Area Lead Officer confirmed the boundary hedge could be cut down at any time and advised that a condition could not be imposed for it to be kept in perpetuity due to the unknown future health of the hedge.


During members’ discussion, several comments were made including the following:


·         Concerns regarding the position of the dwelling in the site.

·         Details regarding the remainder of the site and a landscape scheme were essential.

·         Significant consideration be given regarding the details of the site entrance, materials and height of the dwelling.

·         Appreciate the applicants wish to retire in their local area.


Following a short debate, it was proposed and subsequently seconded to defer the application to seek additional information regarding appearance, landscaping, scale and layout (i.e all matters) with a view of a full application being brought back to committee in July.  Clarification also be sought regarding management of the land outside the red line in the applicant’s ownership.


On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.




That planning permission 16/00666/OUT be deferred, to seek additional information regarding appearance, landscaping, scale and layout (i.e all matters). Clarification also be sought regarding management of the land outside the red line in the applicant’s ownership.

(Voting: Unanimous)


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