Agenda item

Planning Application 15/04866/OUT - Land Rear of The Bell Inn, Broadway Road, Broadway


Application proposal: Outline application for residential development (for up to 25 No. dwellings.) with associated vehicular access arrangements, relocation of parking for Norbeth and The Bell Inn.


The Planning Officer presented his report to members with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation.


He advised members that following the previous meeting, where it was considered that the highway access was a main issue, the site access had been amended.


Plans were shown on the presentation to indicate these amendments. The plans also illustrated a large refuse truck entering the site and the planning officer suggested that it would be unlikely that, a truck of this size, would be used by Somerset Waste Partnership to collect refuse in Broadway. He further pointed out that emergency vehicles are smaller than the truck used in the illustrative plan. It was his view that the proposed access was acceptable.


He responded to questions from members.


Councillor Linda Vijeh spoke in objection to the scheme. It was her view that the additional dwellings would result in a significant rise in traffic through the village and had concerns over the cumulative effect of various planning applications in Broadway.


The SSDC Highway Consultant clarified how the the traffic movement figures were developed and explained that they were carried out during peak hours. He also advised of a typing error contained within the report which stated that he considered the traffic movements to be severe. He pointed out that the statement should read that he did not consider the traffic movements to be severe.


During the discussion, concern was raised over pedestrian safety and the erosion of the countryside.


Linda Jones, a representative of the Parish Council, addressed the Committee. She advised members of some of the results of a housing survey which had been circulated to over 300 homes, of which there was a 42% response. These results included that 56% of residents felt that Broadway was overdeveloped and 1 in 4 households felt that there was a need for affordable homes. She advised that Broadway had an extremely limited bus service, which ran term time only. She also advised that Broadway was not a sustainable location.


Christine Trueman, a representative of the Parish Council, also addressed the Committee and spoke in objection to the application. She raised concern over the cumulative effect of applications in Broadway and sewerage problems in the village. She further advised that the proposal would be dangerous and questioned the additional traffic movements which would result from this application being approved. She felt that this application would be inappropriate for Broadway.


Mr R Baker, Mr D Swain and Mr J Labrom spoke in objection to the application. Their comments included;


·         The access is inadequate and should be able to accommodate large vehicles such as removal lorries and delivery vehicles.

·         Concerns over safety. The road is no more than a country lane.

·         Parking on the site would be limited.

·         There would be around 30 cars on site, not 20 as detailed in the traffic assessments.

·         Concern was raised over sewerage problems in the village which would be made worse.

·         No proven need for housing in Broadway.


Mr Shaun Travers, the planning agent, addressed the Committee.  He advised members that this was not a large development and that this was a good, sustainable site. He advised members that the village had a school, a doctor’s surgery and a pub and was a sustainable location for housing. It further advised that of the formal consultations which had been sent out by the planners, the proposal had received no objections and that the access had been widened.


Councillor Linda Vijeh spoke in objection to the application. It was her view that the application brought no benefit to the community and was not convinced that the traffic data provided would be accurate. She was also concerned over the capacity of existing services such as schools and doctor’s surgery, and though that these would be overstretched.


During the discussion, it was suggested that the application site was not in a sustainable location and concern was raised over the loss of open space.


Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the planning application 15/04866/OUT be refused contrary to the officer recommendation, as development of the site would be harmful to local landscape character and is considered to be an unsustainable form of development.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 10 votes in favour and 4 against.


RESOLVED: that planning permission 15/04866/OUT be refused, contrary to the officer recommendation for the following reasons;


01.       The site comprises an area of land that forms a strategic landscape space separating  the existing development to the west of the site from the Primary School and Lamparts Way area at the east end of the village.  Additionally, the site maintains continued separation of the village of Horton from Broadway which is integral to the local distinctiveness of the area and the setting of the village.  As such the erosion of this space would be harmful to local landscape character and distinctiveness contrary to Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).


02.       The development of this site would, when considered against other recently approved schemes would result in a cumulative level of development that it is out of scale with the function and role of Broadway and is therefore considered to be an unsustainable form of development  contrary to Local Plan Policies  SS1 and SS5 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).


(Voting: 10 votes in favour and 4 against)

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