Agenda item

16/00041/FUL - Land North of Verrington Lane, Charlton Musgrove


Application Proposal: Erection of 9 dwellings and associated ancillary works


The Planning Officer presented his report to members with the aid of a powerpoint presentation.  He noted an error in the report and that the site address was Wincanton.  He advised that since writing his report, an additional letter had been received from an occupier of a neighbouring property seeking assurances that if approved the site would not be left in a partially completed state.  The Planning Officer’s recommendation was for approval subject to conditions.


The Committee was addressed by Sally Hoadley, a supporter of the proposal.  She said that although she was saddened by the proposals the plans presented were as acceptable as they could be and was pleased that the access issues had been resolved.


The Applicant’s Agent, Matthew Kendrick commented that the proposal had been developed in response to discussions with the Town Council and local members.  The proposed development would be located within a sustainable location 550 metres to the High Street and would be served by a footway.  He said that the proposal was supported by Policy SS5 and that the site was a perfect location for bungalows.


The Ward Member, Cllr. Colin Winder welcomed bungalows on the site.  He felt that the site entrance should be constructed first.  He referred to the stone wall around the site and wished to see a condition to ensure that it was cleaned and brought up to date.  He also wished to see the trees removed.  Reference was made to flooding and drainage issues in the area which needed to be addressed although were not in relation to this site.  


The other Ward Member, Cllr. Nick Colbert expressed his support for nine bungalows on the site which he believed was the best option for the neighbourhood and wouldn’t impact on the views from the properties above.  He queried whether a condition could be added to ensure that bungalows were built on the site.   


In response to member’s comments and questions, the Planning Officer and Area Lead North/East confirmed the following:

·         The Committee were considering a full application and that if the applicant wished to vary any details a new application would have to be submitted. 

·         The wall could be dealt under an existing condition;

·         Condition 11 required the visibility splays to be provided prior to the development commencing;

·         The application could not seek to deal with ongoing flooding issues through other sites;

·         The scheme would provide for new storm water drainage to serve the development.  


At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed and seconded to approve the application as per the Planning Officer’s recommendation outlined in the report.  On being put to the vote, the proposal was carried 9 in favour and 1 against.



That Planning Application No. 16/00041/FUL be APPROVED as per the Planning Officer’s recommendation for the following reason:


That application reference 16/00041/FUL be approved for the following reason:


01.       The site is located within a sustainable location, close to a primary market town, where the principle of residential development is acceptable. The development of the site would respect the character of the area with no demonstrable harm to highway safety, protected species, or residential amenity. As such the proposal complies with local plan policies SD1, SS1, SS5, TA5, TA6, EQ2, and EQ4 and the aims and objectives of the NPPF.




01.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


            Reason:  To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 13070/HTA, 13070/HTB, 13070/HTC, and 13070/GAR received 06 January 2016, and 13070/002I and 13070/SE01B received 01 June 2016.


            Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


03.       No work shall be carried out on site until particulars of the following have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


a)         details of materials (including the provision of samples where appropriate) to be used for the external walls and roofs;

b)         a sample panel, to be prepared for inspection on site, to show the mortar mix and coursing of the external walls;

c)         details of the recessing, materials and finish (including the provision of samples where appropriate) to be used for all new windows (including any rooflights) and doors;

            d)         details of all hardstanding and boundaries

e)         details of the rainwater goods and eaves and fascia           details and treatment.


            Once approved such details shall be fully implemented unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


            Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


04.       The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping, which shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of the development, as well as details of any changes proposed in existing ground levels; all planting, seeding, turfing or earth moulding comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.  The scheme of landscaping shall include the maintenance intentions of the site's bounding vegetation, as well as new planting proposals.


            Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


05.       No development shall commence unless a Construction Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plan. The plan shall include:


·         Construction vehicle movements;

·         Construction operation hours;

·         Construction vehicular routes to and from site;

·         Construction delivery hours;

·         Expected number of construction vehicles per day;

·         Car parking for contractors;

·         Specific measures to be adopted to mitigate construction impacts in pursuance of the Environmental Code of Construction Practice;

·         A scheme to encourage the use of Public Transport amongst contractors; and

·         Measures to avoid traffic congestion impacting upon the Strategic Road Network.

·         A condition survey of the existing public highway.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


06.       The proposed estate roads, footways, footpaths, tactile paving, verges, junctions, street lighting, sewers, drains, retaining walls, service routes, surface water outfall, vehicle overhang margins, embankments, visibility splays, accesses carriageway gradients, drive gradients, car, motorcycle and cycle parking and street furniture shall be constructed and laid out in accordance with details to be approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. For this purpose, plans and sections, indicating as appropriate, the design, layout, levels, gradients, materials and method of construction shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


07.       The proposed roads, including footpaths and turning spaces where applicable, shall be constructed in such a manner as to ensure that each dwelling before it is occupied shall be served by a properly consolidated and surfaced footpath and carriageway to at least base course level between the dwelling and existing highway.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


08.       The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until that part of the service road that provides access to it has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


09.       The gradients of the proposed drives to the dwellings hereby permitted shall not be steeper than 1 in 10 and shall be permanently retained at that gradient thereafter at all times.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


10.       No work shall commence on the development site until an appropriate right of discharge for surface water has been obtained before being submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. A drainage scheme for the site showing details of gullies, connections, soakaways and means of attenuation on site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


11.       There shall be no obstruction to visibility greater than 300mm above adjoining road level in advance of lines drawn 2.4m back from the carriageway edge on the centre line of the access and extending to a point on the nearside carriageway 43m to the north of the access. Such visibility shall be fully provided before the development hereby permitted is commenced and shall thereafter be maintained at all times.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


12.       There shall be no obstruction to visibility greater than 300mm above adjoining road level in advance of lines drawn 2.4m back from the carriageway edge on the centre line of the access and extending to a point on the nearside carriageway 50m to the south of the access. Such visibility shall be fully provided before the development hereby permitted is commenced and shall thereafter be maintained at all times.


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with policies TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan.


13.       Prior to the commencement of development, details of a scheme for incorporating features (e.g. bat and bird boxes incorporated within dwellings, numbers, locations) for the benefit of wildlife shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise approved in writing by the local planning authority.


            Reason: For the enhancement of biodiversity in accordance with NPPF and Local Plan Policy EQ4.


14.       The drainage strategy detailed in the drainage strategy detailed on drawing C161171-C001B and supported by technical note R/161171/DTN02, received 27 July 2016, shall be fully implemented prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved. The drainage scheme shall be retained and maintained in a fully functional manner for the lifetime of the development.


            Reason: To ensure that the development is served by a satisfactory system of surface water drainage and that the approved system is retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details throughout the lifetime of the development, in accordance with paragraph 17 and sections 10 and 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 103 of the National Planning Policy Framework and the Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2015).


(Voting: 9 in favour, 1 against)


Supporting documents: