Agenda item

Public Participation at Committees

a)     Questions/comments from members of the public

b)     Questions/comments from representatives of parish/town councils

This is a chance for members of the public and representatives of Parish/Town Councils to participate in the meeting by asking questions, making comments and raising matters of concern.  Parish/Town Council representatives may also wish to use this opportunity to ask for the District Council’s support on any matter of particular concern to their Parish/Town. The public and representatives of Parish/Town Councils will be invited to speak on any planning related questions later in the agenda, before the planning applications are considered.


Questions/Comments from members of the public


Colin Kay, addressed members to express his concern over the proposed Waste Transfer Station at Dimmer and for the safety of residents that live along and use the B3153. HGV’s cannot pass on this road and felt that a further increase in traffic would be dangerous for vehicle drivers, horse riders and cyclists. He further advised that there were numerous houses for sale within Clanville and though that this was due to the traffic issues. He suggested that there are many accidents on the road which go unreported.


Trevor Tuck, representing Sparkford Parish Council, addressed the Committee. He explained to members that there were still ongoing drainage/sewerage issues in Sparkford which had not yet been resolved by Wessex Water. He described a recent problem in Sparkford where sewerage had overflowed onto Church Road in Sparkford following a heavy amount of rain. He advised that the current system in insufficient and is unable to cope and hoped the planning department would consider this issue when determining planning applications.


The Assistant Director (Communities) agreed to pass these comments to the Development Manager.


Questions/Comments from representatives of parish/town councils


Pek Peppin, representing Castle Cary Town Council, addressed the Committee. She explained to members that the Waste Transfer Station which was proposed at Dimmer, was being considered by the Somerset Waste Board and the Somerset Waste Partnership without public consultation. She advised that the road was inadequate and had previously been described by a Planning Inspector as being ‘no more than a county lane’. She advised members that the lorries using this road were dangerous and that in some parts, cannot pass on the lane. She hoped that the decision would be made following a full consultation with residents and Parish/Town Councils.

Martin Roberts, representing Cary Moor Parish Council, addressed the Committee. He further explained the problems which were occurring on the B3153 due to HGV’s on the road. Although he supported recycling, he was surprised and upset that a full consultation hadn’t been carried out for the proposed scheme at Dimmer. He hoped that the decision could be delayed to allow further consultation with local residents and SSDC for this project.

Vicki Nobles, representing the Care for Cary group, addressed the Committee. She further hoped that the decision which was due to be made on the 16th December could be delayed. She further hoped that a break clause could be added to any agreement to ensure that SSC are not locked into a contract where no savings were being made. She hoped a formal request to delay the decision could be made to allow a review to be carried out to ensure that there were no better options which could be considered.

Members unanimously agreed that a formal letter to the Somerset Waste Board would be sent to request that the decision is delayed to allow public to review the proposal. It was further agreed that a copy of this letter would be sent to the Care for Cary group, the Chairman of Area East Committee and Councillor Mike Lewis.