Agenda item

Planning Application: 16/03186/FUL - Kings Arms Market Square Crewkerne


(Councillor Mike Best declared a personal interest as a member of Crewkerne Town Council)


The Area Lead North/East introduced the report and with the aid of slides and photographs summarised the details of the application.  He advised that there were no updates to the report.  He highlighted the key issues associated with the application which were Highway Safety: – lack of adequate visibility splays, inadequate parking and turning and Residential amenity: - poor private amenity space and noise disturbance.  The Planning Officer’s recommendation was for refusal.


In response to questions from Members, the Area Lead North/East confirmed:


·         There was no parking specifically for the pub shown on the drawings submitted;

·         Crewkerne was not considered to be a town where zero car ownership was a viable option;

·         There was no longer a policy encouraging low or zero levels of parking provision;

·         There would be a sense of overlooking due to the height of the building opposite;

·         Parking standards for the proposed development were on the low side and access was poor with concerns that people would reverse out onto the road;

·         If a statutory noise nuisance was found this would impact upon the pub;

·         The Highway Consultant confirmed that the Highway Authority would not support the use of mirrors;

·         The vehicles currently parked at the rear of the Kings Arms belonged to pub staff;

·         The installation of a gate could be conditioned but it would be difficult to control who would be given the entrance code;

·         A planning application had been submitted for the provision of more pavement outside the Bonsoir factory building.  The proposed increase would make no difference to the proposed access arrangements.


The Committee was addressed by Ben Hodgson representing Crewkerne Town Council.  He commented that two small units were much needed in Crewkerne. The proposed development would be located on a brownfield site and considered there to be insufficient reasons to warrant a refusal.


The Committee was addressed by Andy Relf and Tina Tarnowski in support of the application.  Views expressed included the following:


·         Vehicle and pedestrian use of the road was light;

·         As a resident living near the proposed development little noise if any was experienced by the Kings Arms;

·         Getting out onto the road was not a problem;

·         The area allocated for turning space was adequate.


The Applicant, Richard Hall, informed members that the road was hardly used and he had recorded 12 cars in 2 hours going up the road.  The access had been used for a number of years therefore the development would not be creating a new access. 


Ward Member, Cllr. Mike Best, commented that the proposed development was not creating a new access and that vehicles have always parked behind the Kings Arms.  He was of the view that any potential resident would be aware that the property was located next door to a pub. He didn’t feel that the concern of overlooking was a major issue. He expressed his support for the proposal which he felt would tidy up a group of derelict buildings.


Ward Member, Cllr. Marcus Barrett, expressed his support for the application and was of the view that urban living should be encouraged and that the small courtyard could be made attractive.  He considered there to be adequate turning facilities.  The development would tidy up the buildings and make the area more positive.


During the discussion on the item, members expressed their support for the prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure non-fragmentation.


It was proposed and seconded to approve the application contrary to the Planning Officer’s recommendation subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure non-fragmentation.


The reasons for approval were suggested by the Area Lead North/East and agreed by members as follows:

The proposed conversion of this listed building to two dwellings would provide an adequate standard of amenity for future and existing residents without significant detriment to highways safety or harm to visual amenity, the character and appearance of the conservation area or this listed building. As such the proposal complies with policies EQ2, EQ3, TA5 and TA 6 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Condition suggested by the Area Lead North/East and agreed by members related to:


·         Time limit

·         List of approved Plans

·         Window and door details to be agreed


On being put to the vote the application was unanimously approved.



That Planning Application No. 16/03186/FUL be APPROVED contrary to the Planning Officer’s recommendation subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure non-fragmentation  for the following reason:


The proposed conversion of this listed building to two dwellings would provide an adequate standard of amenity for future and existing residents without significant detriment to highways safety or harm to visual amenity, the character and appearance of the conservation area or this listed building. As such the proposal complies with policies EQ2, EQ3, TA5 and TA 6 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Subject to the following conditions:


  • Time limit
  • List of approved Plans
  • Window and door details to be agreed


(Voting: unanimous)


Supporting documents: