Agenda item

16/02621/OUT - Land OS 8565 West of Pilgrims Way, Lovington


The Planning Officer presented her report to members. She explained that this application was for 6 dwellings with land available for 2 affordable dwellings.


She explained that she had received an additional letter of objection from IMA Transport. The letter detailed that the highways assessment was insufficient which did not fully address the concerns of the highways authority.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the highways authorities were satisfied that adequate visibility could be achieved and using a powerpoint presentation, she provided images of the plans and the proposed access point. It was her view that this application would have a substantial impact on the surrounding area and informed members that it was her recommendation that the application be refused.


Mr N Hutchings, representing Lovington Parish Council, addressed the Committee. He explained to members that the Parish Council supported the planning application.


Mr N Whitson-Jones, representing CPRE Somerset addressed the Committee. He explained that he supported the officer recommendation to refuse the planning application. He advised members that the applicant had not engaged in a robust consultation with local residents. He further explained that the application site was in a rural settlement and suggested that this application would impact the surrounding landscape.


Mr M Roberts, Mr M Williams, Mrs L Swanton, Mr R Habersiton, Mrs M Robinson and Mr F Robinson spoke in objection to the planning application. Their comments included;


·         The Parish Council supported this application, but it was not a unanimous decision. It was narrowly passed by the Parish Council.

·         There is huge concern over HGV’s and highway issues.

·         A crossing point for pedestrians to cross the main road is vital.

·         There have already been numerous applications approved for housing in Lovington.

·         This will have a harmful effect on the village. The design of the homes should be of a traditional design.

·         The highway information provided is not adequate.

·         There is not enough room for a 2 meter wide footpath.

·         The character of the village will be ruined.

·         The application proposed urbanisation of the village and will harm Lovington.

·         Children living on the proposed development will have to cross a dangerous road to walk to school.

·         There is a lack of support for the planning application and there has been little community engagement. 


Mr N Salmon, the planning agent, addressed the Committee. He explained to members that the applicant carefully considered the housing needs survey when developing the planning application to ensure that the application met the needs of Lovington. He advised that this application provided land for affordable homes, which other applications in Lovington had failed to do and that the application had been amended at the request of the Parish Council. He further pointed out that SCC Highways had not raised an objection to the application.


Mr Wasenczuk addressed the Committee to speak in support of the application. He explained that the Parish Council supported the application and some residents of the village have offered their support.


Councillor Nick Weeks, the Chairman and Ward Member, praised the applicant for accommodating the requests of the Parish Council and for considering the housing needs survey.


During the discussion, members raised questions over the technical issues of the proposed footpath. There was some doubt that a 2 meter wide pavement could be provided due to the current road and hedgerow positions. The Planning Officer confirmed that she had checked the original conveyance of the land where the new pavement is intended to be positioned and that this appeared to indicate that there was space for a 2 metre wide footway to be provided and accepted that it would not be inappropriate to seek further details as to how the pavement would be provided and the nature of the crossing.


Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the application be deferred to allow for clarification of highways issues, particularly provision of footpath and crossing and to request applicant to address points raised in SCC highways comments.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 5 votes in support and 2 against.


RESOLVED:  that planning application 16/02621/OUT be deferred to allow for clarification of highways issues, particularly provision of footpath and crossing and to request applicant to address points raised in SCC highways comments.


(Voting: 5 votes in support and 2 against)



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