Agenda item

16/05421/FUL - Manor Dairy Farm, Charn Hill, Charlton Horethorne


Application Proposal: Agricultural building


(Councillor William Wallace declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in the application and advised that he would not vote on this item)


The Planning Officer presented his report to members with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation which included photographs and plans to show the proposed agricultural building.


He informed members that he had received an additional letter of objection which explained that the proposed building was too close to a bungalow opposite the site entrance.


The Planning Officer explained that any enforcement issues on the site had now been resolved; however this had caused a delay in the planning application. He advised that the application was for a large building in a sensitive area and recommended that the application be refused.


Ann Reeder, the Chairman of Charlton Horethorne Parish Council, addressed the Committee. She advised that the PC were unanimous in supporting this application and have met the applicant on site and spoke to several of the households surrounding the site. She advised that only one of these households objected. She suggested that agriculture had changed and larger machinery was now required, which therefore required larger storage buildings. She pointed out that there will be little impact on traffic and that the replacement building would be screened by hedgerow.


Mr G Selby, Mrs J Selby and Ms L Elson spoke in objection to the planning application. Their comments included;


·         The CPRE has raised objection to this planning application.

·         1 of the supporters has now moved away and 2 other supporters are tenants.

·         The replacement building is not the same footprint, it is larger and taller.

·         The building will be 2.4m higher than other buildings on the site and will have a very dominant north-eastern elevation.

·         Building materials are not in-keeping, looks like an industrial building.

·         Building will have a detrimental effect on Charn House, which is a listed building and the wider landscape.

·         The new building will be 6 meters closer to the boundary which will be more imposing with little screening.

·         The lane is very narrow, busy and dangerous. In some parts there are no places for vehicles to pass.

·         Charn House is a magnificent listed building and should be protected.


Mr Nick Griffin, the agent, addressed the Committee. He advised that some additional screening in the way of hedgerows could be planted. He advised members that agriculture in a type of industry and that larger secure buildings were needed, and that insurance companies insist on secure storage as there had been an increase in farm theft. He confirmed that noise would be confined to the building. He pointed out that the site was outside of the conservation area and that the Planning Officer had not contacted him to discuss this application.


Mr T Archer, the applicant, addressed members to speak on behalf of his father who was the owner of the farm. He advised members that his father had not sought to influence the opinion of the neighbours. He further pointed out the farm was previously a dairy site and that articulated lorries frequently used the road without problems. He advised members that the existing building was in poor condition, was redundant and needed updating. He explained that he would be willing to extend the current hedging and to encourage growth of the hedge, however he pointed out that there was already a road, a garden and a hedge between the building and Charn House. He explained that refusal of the application would affect the long-term sustainability of the farm.


Councillor William Wallace, Ward Member, explained that he knew the applicant and would not vote on the application. He pointed out that the footprint of the replacement building was larger, but remained on the same site. He felt that there was a mixture of different types of building on the site and suggested that development on the site was needed, but noted that this would affect Charn House and that the height of the eaves closest to Charn House was an important issue.


Councillor Hayward Burt, Ward Member, explained that having visited the site, he was concerned over the height of the proposed building, however accepted that due to modern machinery sizes, this was necessary. He questioned whether additional screening was possible.


During the discussion, the Planning Officer and agent clarified that the ridge of the proposed building would be the same as the existing building and the possibility of moving the building to another location on the site were discussed. The Planning Officer confirmed that amending the position of the building would require a further planning application and that it was only this location which could be considered at the meeting.


Members noted that no pre-application advice had been sought prior to submission of the planning application.


One member suggested that a noise prevention condition would be useful. The Planning Officer confirmed that this could be added as a planning condition should planning approval be granted.


The Planning Officer advised that if substantial harm is given to the listed building, this must be reviewed. However, this harm should be weighed against public benefit.


Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the planning application be approved subject to conditions to restrict the time limit for implementation, detail the approved plans, ensure approval of a landscape plan (to be maintained in perpetuity), to ensure sound mitigation measures and to approve external materials and finishes.


On being put to the vote, this was carried 6 votes in support, 2 against and 1 abstention.


RESOLVED:          that planning application 16/05421/FUL be approved, contrary to the planning officers recommendation for the following reason and subject to the following conditions;


For the following reason;


01.       The proposed building, as a replacement for the existing unsightly structure, would have a less than substantial harm on the significance of the grade II listed Charn House. Such harm would be outweighed by the benefits of securing the rationalisation of the farmyard and the viability of the farming enterprises. The new building would have no undue impact on residential amenity, highways safety or visual amenity. As such the proposal complies with policies EQ2 and EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Subject to the following conditions;


01.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the

following approved plans: 251116/1; /2; /3; /4; Location Plan and Block Plan

received 7 December 2016.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


03.       The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping, which shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of the development, as well as details of all planting comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. The trees and plants comprised in the landscaping shall be maintained in perpetuity and any that die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


Reason: In the interests of neighbour amenity and visual appearance further to Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028.


04.       Prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted full particulars

detailing the sound mitigation measures for the building shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such detail as agreed shall be undertaken as part of the development and thereafter retained.


Reason: In the interests of neighbour amenity further to Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006- 2028.


05.       The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until particulars of the materials (including the provision of samples where appropriate) to be used for external walls and roofs have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of character and appearance further to policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006- 2028.


(Voting: 6 votes in support, 2 against and 1 abstention)

Supporting documents: