Agenda item

2016/17 Revenue Budget Outturn Report




That District Executive agreed to:-



note the outturn position of £17,391,660 (an under spend of £390,670) and explanation of variances from budget holders for the 2016/17 financial year as shown in paragraphs 4-6;




approve the carry forwards listed and recommended for approval by Senior Leadership Team in Appendix B into the 2017/18 budgets;




approve individual service overspends are funded from general balances and the net underspend of £144,310 is transferred to the Transformation Reserve;




note the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 19;



note the transfers to and from balances outlined in the General Fund table paragraph 20;




note the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 23;




approve the virement in paragraph 28 and note the virements in Appendix G;



To agree the outturn of the revenue budgets of the Council for 2016/17



The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Legal Services introduced the report and advised that for recommendation (c) the underspend figure should be £144,310. 


In response to questions from Scrutiny Committee and Members it was noted that:


·         The Development Control overspend was due to the use of external lawyers engaged to defend planning appeals, and, the costs awarded to a developer for two appeals allowed. 

·         SSDC used to have fraud investigation officers, however, they had been transferred to the DWP.  There was now a need for some investigatory resource within the authority.

·         The Government had refused to share information from the DVLA with Local Authorities, so denying them the use of automatic number plate recognition system to control car parking. 


The Chairman said he would write to the Government Minister regarding the information sharing with the DVLA.


At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to note and approve the recommendations of the report.



That District Executive agreed to:-



note the outturn position of £17,391,660 (an under spend of £390,670) and explanation of variances from budget holders for the 2016/17 financial year as shown in paragraphs 4-6;




approve the carry forwards listed and recommended for approval by Senior Leadership Team in Appendix B into the 2017/18 budgets;




approve individual service overspends are funded from general balances and the net underspend of £144,310 is transferred to the Transformation Reserve;




note the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 19;



note the transfers to and from balances outlined in the General Fund table paragraph 20;




note the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 23;




approve the virement in paragraph 28 and note the virements in Appendix G;



To agree the outturn of the revenue budgets of the Council for 2016/17


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