Issue - decisions

Community Offices Update 2016/17

28/09/2017 - Community Offices Update 2016/17

The Community Office Support Manager introduced the report and advised that there had been a decrease of 11% in footfall to community offices across the district, but, a rise in web transactions from 20% to 29% compared to the previous year.  The footfall at the Langport Community Office had reduced and it was proposed to investigate delivery of the service to the customers who used this office in an alternative way.  This could be offering appointments in existing community buildings, such as the library or conducting home visits. 


During discussion, Members noted that efficiencies were required and asked that communication and PR to the public was delivered effectively and options were investigated which recognised customers choice of contact with SSDC.  It was also noted that the Town Council were looking at moving the local information centre to the library and this could be an option for SSDC also. 


At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to note the report and the future proposals for the Langport Community Office.



That the Area North Committee noted the content of the report and the proposals to provide face to face services in an alternative way to best suit customer demand and withdraw from Langport Community Office.