Issue - decisions

2020/21 Draft Revenue and Capital Budgets and Medium Term Financial Plan

20/02/2020 - 2020/21 Revenue and Capital Budgets and Medium Term Financial Plan



That Full Council agreed to:-



approve the Net Revenue Budget for 2020/21 of £15,207,150, as set out in the Revenue Account Summary (paragraph 40) and in detail in Appendix A for the District Executive and four Area Committees, subject to any final amendments;




approve a 2020/21 Council tax annual increase of 2.99%, increasing the annual Band D rate by £5.00 to £172.11. Full Council to note this new annual rate comprises £170.26 for SSDC services, raising £10,448,932, and £1.85 on behalf of the Somerset Rivers Authority, raising £112,315;




approve the prioritisation of Business Rates pooling gain to Regeneration as detailed in paragraph 38;




approve the new capital programme as shown in Appendix D, with includes an additional funding request of £1.887m as detailed in paragraph 62.



To approve the proposed budget and council tax for 2020/21. This report is based on the Medium Term Financial Plan (Revenue Budgets.

(Voting: 43 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention)