Issue - meetings

Appointment of an Independent Person to the Audit Committee

Meeting: 18/07/2019 - South Somerset District Council (Item 37)

37 Appointment of an Independent Person to the Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 89 KB




That Full Council:-



approved the appointment of an independent person to sit on Audit Committee for a period of two years;



approved the advert, role description, skills and competencies and person specification at Appendix A.


To approve the appointment an independent person to the Audit Committee.

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Legal and Democratic Services advised that the report had arisen from a suggestion at Council in May that an independent person could bring specialist knowledge and insight to the Audit Committee.


In response to a question the Democratic Services Specialist confirmed that the appointment did not currently attract an allowance but reasonable travel expenses would be paid.  Any change to this would only be with the agreement of Council.


There was no debate and Members were content to approve the appointment of an independent person to sit on Audit Committee for a period of two years and approve the advert, role description, skills and competencies and person specification at Appendix A.



That Full Council:-



approved the appointment of an independent person to sit on Audit Committee for a period of two years;



approved the advert, role description, skills and competencies and person specification at Appendix A.


To approve the appointment an independent person to the Audit Committee.

(Voting: unanimous in favour)