Issue - meetings

Grant to Long Sutton Village Hall (Executive Decision)

Meeting: 24/07/2019 - Area North Committee (Item 26)

26 Grant to Long Sutton Village Hall (Executive Decision) pdf icon PDF 118 KB




That Area North Committee agreed to award a grant of £4,347 to Long Sutton Village Hall, the grant to be allocated from the Area North Capital Programme and subject to SSDC standard conditions for community grants (Appendix A)


To support the costs of improved security doors and a new Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) for The Village Hall at Long Sutton.

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


The Locality Officer introduced the report which was a small community grant towards improved security doors and CCTV for the village hall in Long Sutton.


The Ward Member, Councillor Gerard Tucker advised that the village hall was in a relatively isolated position adjacent to a play area, cricket pitch and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26