Issue - meetings

Area North Committee - Appointment of Member to the Somerset Levels and Moors Local Action Group Executive Board for 2019/20 (Executive Decision)

Meeting: 24/07/2019 - Area North Committee (Item 27)

27 Area North Committee - Appointment of Member to the Somerset Levels and Moors Local Action Group Executive Board for 2019/20 (Executive Decision) pdf icon PDF 83 KB




That Area North Committee agreed to appoint Councillor Gerard Tucker to represent them on the Somerset Levels and Moors Local Action Group Executive Board for 2019/20


To agree a representative for the Somerset Levels and Moors Local Action Group Executive Board for 2019/20

(Voting: unanimous in favour)


The Chairman reminded Members that the decision to appoint a representative to the Somerset Levels and Moors Local Action Group Executive Board had been deferred from their previous meeting as not all Councillors had been present at that meeting.


It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Gerard Tucker be appointed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27