Issue - meetings

Commercial Land and Property Review and Strategy (Confidential)

Meeting: 17/08/2017 - South Somerset District Council (Item 60)

Commercial Land and Property Review and Strategy (Confidential)

Additional documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2
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The Leader of Council reminded Members that income generation was part of the Council Action Plan agreed by them in April 2017.


The Director for Commercial Services and Income Generation introduced the report and advised that the new Commercial Strategy would help to deliver income that would help with the projected gap in the Council’s budget over the coming years.


Members discussed the report at some length and the Director for Commercial Services and Income Generation and Chief Executive answered questions on points of detail.


At the conclusion of the debate, the recommendations, with one minor amendment, were put to the vote, and were carried (voting: 28 in favour, 16 against, 2 abstentions).



That Full Council:-



Noted that District Executive had approved the Commercial Strategy 2017-2021 for immediate adoption and implementation.




Noted the findings of the consultants report.




Approved the recommendations proposed in the report.




Noted that District Executive had approved the budget to be added to the Medium Term Financial Plan, for a new Property Land and Development team led by an appropriately qualified Property, Land and Development Manager, and an Income & Opportunity Development Manager.



To confirm the Council’s commercial approach, core principles and methodology in undertaking the business service, income generation and other corporate plan objectives to create a balanced property and land asset portfolio, with investment income contributing towards the currently identified revenue shortfall by 2021.


(Voting: 28 in favour, 16 against, 2 abstentions)