Issue - meetings

Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership (Executive Decision)

Meeting: 01/10/2014 - Area South Committee (Item 51)

51 Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership (Executive Decision) pdf icon PDF 170 KB



That Members:



noted the work undertaken by the Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership in 2013/14;



Approved a funding contribution of £1,000 from Transport Scheme Grants Budget for 2014/15.


To receive a summary of work undertaken by the partnership during 2013/14 and to consider making a partnership contribution for 2014/15.

(Voting: 11 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention)


The Area East Development Manager presented the report as set out in the agenda and with the aid of a powerpoint presentation explained to members the work undertaken by the Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership during 2013/14. 

She also explained to members that:

·         A similar report had been taken to Area East Committee to seek financial support which had been strongly supported and funding confirmed.

·         The importance of continuing to support the partnership and help improve and develop the station.

·         Work concentrating on ‘Fixing the Link’ – series of signs for arriving passengers helping them on their way into town by the bus link or on foot

·         Work on raising awareness and improving the line and securing better services in the future.

Councillor Ian Martin as Heart of Wessex line member for Area South told members that it was essential to approve the proposed funding in order to continue the work of the partnership.   He explained the need to gain extra rolling stock on the line and further work to link the surrounding community with the line.

During discussion various points were made by Members:-

  • The trains ran beyond capacity and there was a need for more carriages.
  • Essential that Somerset County Council continue to fund the partnership in the next financial year.
  • Concern about the linking between bus and train services and the need for 106 funding to strengthen bus services from Wyndham Park.
  • HOW Partnership has been a success and membership is essential in order to continue to make representation at a higher level.
  • Support the work in continuing to advertise and market the line guides.

·         Voiced concern believing the balance of funding went toward administration and believed the work would take place in any case should community groups request it.

At the conclusion of the debate, the majority of Members were in favour of allocating the funding to the Partnership (voting: 12 in favour, 1 against, 0 abstentions).


That Members:



noted the work undertaken by the Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership in 2013/14;



Approved a funding contribution of £1,000 from Transport Scheme Grants Budget for 2014/15.


To receive a summary of work undertaken by the partnership during 2013/14 and to consider making a partnership contribution for 2014/15.

(Voting: 12 in favour, 1against, 0 abstention)