Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget 2015/16 - Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Programme

Meeting: 05/02/2015 - District Executive (Item 130)

130 Revenue Budget 2015/16 - Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 399 KB

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That District Executive recommended to Council to:-



note the report of the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group attached at Appendix A;



approve the overall Revenue Budget for 2015/16 of £17,389,600 and the General Account Summary as shown at Appendix B and note future year projection;



approve the detailed budgets for the District Executive and four Area Committees as shown at Appendix C;



approve there is no increase in the Council Tax for 2015/16 for South Somerset District Council, which will result in a continuing Band D charge of £150.74;



approve the additional expenditure for budget pressure bids as shown in Appendix D;



approve the savings proposals in Appendix E in conjunction with the Equalities Impact Schedule at Appendix G;



approve the once-off items of expenditure as shown in Appendix F;



approve the transfer of the NDR surplus (£0.9595 million) to the NDR Volatility Reserve;



note the current position and future estimation of reserves and balances as shown in paragraphs 53-56;



approve the revised Capital Programme as shown in Appendix H;



approve the new schemes to be included in the Capital Programme as shown in Appendix I;



note the scoring of new capital schemes outlined in Appendix K;



note the proposed funding of the Capital Programme as shown in paragraph 66;



note the detailed Capital Investment appraisal forms for new schemes, as shown at Appendix J.


To seek approval for the proposed 2015/16 Revenue Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan (Revenue Budgets for 2015/16 to 2019/20) and the Capital Programme that will be recommended to Full Council. 

(Voting: 8 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Spatial Planning advised that the budget was for confirmation by Full Council on 26th February and although it was a prudent budget, this was the first year the Council were participating in Business Rate pooling.  He said the quarterly monitoring process was robust so that action could be taken quickly if any variations occurred.   

In response to questions from the Scrutiny Committee, the Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) confirmed that there had been a number of announcements from the Government including the Business Rate Pooling and New Homes Bonus figures.  She also advised that the income for Engineering and Property Services had increased due to the office sharing arrangements with SCC and the CAB and also electricity savings from the photovoltaic panels installed. 

The Chairman thanked the members of the Scrutiny Task and Finish group for their involvement in the budget process and at the conclusion of the debate, the majority of Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report to Council.


That District Executive recommended to Council to:-



note the report of the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group attached at Appendix A;



approve the overall Revenue Budget for 2015/16 of £17,389,600 and the General Account Summary as shown at Appendix B and note future year projection;



approve the detailed budgets for the District Executive and four Area Committees as shown at Appendix C;



approve there is no increase in the Council Tax for 2015/16 for South Somerset District Council, which will result in a continuing Band D charge of £150.74;



approve the additional expenditure for budget pressure bids as shown in Appendix D;



approve the savings proposals in Appendix E in conjunction with the Equalities Impact Schedule at Appendix G;



approve the once-off items of expenditure as shown in Appendix F;



approve the transfer of the NDR surplus (£0.9595 million) to the NDR Volatility Reserve;



note the current position and future estimation of reserves and balances as shown in paragraphs 53-56;



approve the revised Capital Programme as shown in Appendix H;



approve the new schemes to be included in the Capital Programme as shown in Appendix I;



note the scoring of new capital schemes outlined in Appendix K;



note the proposed funding of the Capital Programme as shown in paragraph 66;



note the detailed Capital Investment appraisal forms for new schemes, as shown at Appendix J.


To seek approval for the proposed 2015/16 Revenue Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan (Revenue Budgets for 2015/16 to 2019/20) and the Capital Programme that will be recommended to Full Council. 

(Voting: 8 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions)