Issue - meetings

Endorsement of Charlton Horethorne Community Plan 2016

Meeting: 12/10/2016 - Area East Committee (Item 86)

86 Endorsement of Charlton Horethorne Community Plan 2016 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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RESOLVED: that the Charlton Horethorne Community Plan formally endorses by the Committee.

REASON: To present a summary of the findings and actions from the Charlton Horethorne Parish Plan and to ask members of Area East Committee to formally endorse the Plan.


The Area Team Lead (East) presented his report to members. He advised members that the Area Development team had been involved to offer advice and support; however gave his praise to the very committed group from Charlton Horethorne who had delivered the plan.


He explained that the Community Plan covered land use and broader issues and had been developed with good engagement from the local residents and the Parish Council. He further advised that the Parish Council had adopted the document and although it held no statutory weight, it would be used by the PC when considering planning application consultation responses.


Mr Geoff McHugh, a representative of the steering group addressed the Committee. He explained to members that following a meeting in the village last August, a steering group had been set up to develop the Community Plan. He explained that a questionnaire had been sent to all homes within the parish, which included questions about the school and the church and that 60% of these were returned completed.


He thanked South Somerset District Council for the grant which had been awarded towards development of the plan and thanked the Ward Members and the Area Development Team for their help and support.


Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the Charlton Horethorne Community Plan be endorsed by the Committee.


On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.


Councillor Anna Groskop congratulated the group and expressed her hope that this would be fully considered by the planning department when considering planning applications within Charlton Horethorne.


The Area Development Lead Officer (East) confirmed that the document would be circulated to the planning department and that it was hoped that the Parish Council would refer to it when providing planning application consultation responses.


RESOLVED:              that the Charlton Horethorne Community Plan be endorsed by the Committee.

(Voting: Unanimous)